||chapter 34||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

My mouth dropped. I couldn't believe he was here. He walked in the room and started to push Kian off of me. I made my way against the wall to the door as I watched him start to punch Kian. I felt the wall with my hands and found the door. I quietly turned the knob and opened the door.

Kian started to fight back and I squeaked as he looked me right in the eyes. I knew that if I walked out of this door right now I would be dead if he found me. I had one foot out of the door and he smirked his well known evil smirk. I pivoted and ran out of the room.

I ran down the stairs but didn't get far when I saw Louis getting pummeled by Cameron. He was too innocent to get beat up so I made the horrible mistake of helping him. I started to pull Cameron back by his shoulders. It didn't work that well but it helped a little bit.

Louis was still being punched in the face repeatedly and it was torture to watch it. I ran to the kitchen and found the biggest bowl. I filled it with a bunch of random liquids. I got a handful of flour and ran back to Cameron. "Cameron get off of him or I'll stab you!" I shouted.

He looked up at me, thinking I had a knife. Before he looked away I threw the bowl of liquids in his face and before he could wipe it off I slammed the flour on him. While he was dazed I pushed him off of Louis. I kicked him in the gut and while he was trying to recover I helped Louis.

He was on the verge of passing out and there was blood running down his face from the multiple gashes on his skin. I had to act fast before somebody came and took me again. I felt a presence from above me so I looked up. I saw Harry holding his hand out. "What's going on?" I asked frantically.

"We're saving you from this place. You don't want to know what's going to happen to you if you stay here. Now hurry up before Kian comes back." He explained to me. I took my hand in his and stood up. "Kian's pissed. We're basically rivals so he's gonna come back down furious. I shouldn't have beat him up back there." He muttered the last part.

As he was telling me this he was leading me outside. I looked behind us and saw Liam, zayn, and Niall. "What about Louis?!" I screamed. "We can't just leave him in there!"

"Yes we can. He will be able to get out by himself." Harry said it like he was trying to reassure himself then reassuring me. Harry had his hand on the car door when we hear Kian behind us.

"Give her back." I turned around and saw Kian with the rest of his gang. He was in the middle and holding a gun... Aiming at Harry's head. I started shaking, thinking about anybody dying made me sick. "Don't make me repeat myself, styles."

I felt Harry's grip tighten noticeably on my wrist. "I know what you do to girls in there Kian. I'm not letting jewel get hurt." Kian smirked yet again. He looked over to Cameron and Cameron walked into the house.

He soon came back out carrying a groaning Louis. I heard Niall snicker at Cameron's appearance with the flour and stains from various liquids. Cameron knew that he laughed at him and that only made him glare at me more.

Louis was pushed to the ground where he laid coughing and groaning. "Give me jewel, or watch your friend get beat up even more." Kian threatened. I felt Harry's grip loosed a bit, as if he was going to give me over. But then it retightened.

"I call your bluff." He stated. Kian's smirk only grew bigger. I looked over to Harry and his eyes were intense. I knew how good of a friendship him and Louis have and I don't want that to be ruined.

"That was a mistake, styles." Kian said, clearly amused. "Boys..." He crossed his arms and stepped back. Matthew, Cameron, and another guy, I don't know what his name is, started kicking Louis. All over they were kicking him. Some in the stomach, chest, legs, back, but worst of all, his head.

I started screaming, screaming at Harry to let me go, screaming at Kian's friends to stop. It felt horrible to have no control over how people are acting just because of me. All of my anger just bubbled up seeing them hurt an innocent boy. I wiggled my wrist out of Harry's grip and ran towards Louis.

"Get the fuck off of him!" I screamed. I started pushing Cameron's chest and punching him until he stumbled backwards. I then went for Matthew kneeing him right in his nuts. He doubled over in pain and also stopped hurting Louis. Then the mystery guy that's name I didn't know. He seemed pretty strong but I had too much anger to care. I went and I punched him right in the neck. I stumbled back, wheezing from the pain.

I knelt down and tried helping Louis. He was still conscious, thank god. "Louis, louis look at me!" I begged. I grabbed his face with both my hands. I saw he was crying and I wiped away the tears with my thumbs. "Don't leave Louis. I'm right here for you. I'm right here." I knew he was going to have to go to the hospital. He probably has broken bones all over his body.

"J-jewel." He groaned. I smiled knowing he knew I was there for him.

"Yeah Lou its me. I'm right here, you'll feel better soon." I assured him. He forced a smile onto his face.

"Get away from jewel right now." Kian warned. I scoffed at him.

"You're not the boss of me." I sassed back. I kept dabbing the inside of my thumb with my tongue and tried to wipe of his dried blood on his face.

"Get over here right now or I shoot him. You know I don't like to share jewel." I looked up at him. He wouldn't shoot Louis, that's just straight up evil. But before I could realize it he raised the gun. I saw it was pointed at my thigh. "Maybe I shouldn't shoot him. Maybe... Just maybe, you still need to learn who's in control."


Sorry this chapters a bit short😁😁

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