|| chapter 1||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

I sat down at the lunch table with my newly made friends. One of them giggled when I sat down and whispered in my ear, "kian is totally checking you out!"

I blushed and turned around to his table only to realize Courtney was right. He smiled and waved and I returned the gesture.

He came over to start talking to me but when he opened his mouth all that came out was this obnoxious beeping. I looked up at him confused until he started shaking my shoulders 2 minutes later.

It was only then when I realized that my mum was shaking my shoulders and yelling at me to get up, and my alarm was blaring in the back round.

Who the heck were Courtney and kian? Eh whatever it was just a dream.

"Jewel stop day dreaming and get out of bed! It's your first day at your new school!" mum told me.

I sighed heavily and obeyed her. I got out of my bed and checked the time. 6:00 and I have to leave at 7:15... Hopefully I'll have enough time to get ready.
I ended up wearing my white ripped shorts, floral print flowing crop top, and gold sandals.

I usually wouldn't dress this fancy but my mum insisted on it since it's my first day at this stupid new school. I can't believe my mom just had to get a new job in America.

My mum was driving me to school right now and I was becoming nervous. All of these kids have known each other for at least 3 years and I'm coming in for one year and one year only.

"Okay jewel we're here." My mum told me.

"Okay thanks for the ride mum." I leaned over and kissed her cheek before getting out of the car.

Before my mom drove out of the parking lot she rolled down the window and shouted, "make some friends!" For literally everyone to hear. Great, just great mum.

I kept walking, ignoring her, and hoping that people didn't think she was related to me.

But just to my luck a group of 5 guys looked over and snickered at me. I looked down at my feet as I walked into the doors of the school.

I got in and decided to ask someone where my first class was since this school was already ginormous. I walked up to some girls and asked them where the science class with Mr. Davis was.

The first girl out of the three that talked to me was so pretty, I was actually sort of jealous. She had this wavy blond hair, and these amazing blue eyes. While I was stuck here with so dark brown hair it was almost black, and green eyes that always turned gray in the winter.

This girl was really tall and she was really nice. "We actually have science with Mr. Davis right now too!" She said a little to over excited. "You can walk with us if you want. Are you new here?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

Duh if I wasn't new I would be able to know where the science class is. But I wasn't going to be mean and give up any friends.

"Yeah I am actually, I just came here from London." I smiled politely.

"That's so cool! Well my names Courtney." The tall blond one said. "This is Bethany," she pointed to one of the girls with long light brown hair and light brown eyes. "And this is Julianne." She pointed to the last girl with orange long curly hair and bright green emerald eyes, I wish I had those eyes.

I smiled at how nice they were being. "I'm Jewel, jewel Daniels." Bethany cut in and freaked out about my name.

"Oh. My. God. Your name is literally perfection I love it!" I chuckled at how energetic she was being.

"Well lets get to class, you know how strict Mr. Davis can get.." Julianne, I think, told us.

The three of them agreed and we all walked together to science.
We walked into class 30 seconds late and Julianne was right about Mr. Davis being strict. He scolded us and told us to take a seat.. Well everyone except me.

I awkwardly stood at the front of the class while Mr. Davis said the usual "okay class, today we have a new student. Would you like to introduce yourself?"

"Sure," I started as my palms became sweaty. "I'm jewel Daniels.." I trailed off not really knowing what to say.

I looked over to Courtney but she just smiled and gave me a thumbs up. "I moved here from London, England. And yeaahhh..." I finished awkwardly trailing off.

I looked around the room and saw that the five guys that laughed at me this morning were all in this class. 3 of them were smirking at me, one was texting on his phone, trying to be secretive but failing horribly. But the last one was staring me down, almost glaring at me.

I gave a sheepish smile and Mr. Davis told me to sit down. The only seat left was next to Bethany but also right next to the group of guys, but directly the guy glaring at me.

"Alright class, I hope you like where your sitting because these are the seats for your first semester." The teacher announced.


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