||chapter 2||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

"So who are those 5 guys that always walk around together?" I asked Julianne.

It was lunchtime and Courtney and bethany were getting what's called 'hot lunch' while me and Julianne have 'cold lunch' so we are saving them seats at the table.

Julianne dropped the apple that she was holding and it hit the floor with a thud, but it was so loud in here you could barely hear it.

Her eyes became quite wide and her jaw dropped. "Y- you mean th-them?" She asked not making eye contact, but behind my shoulder. I followed her eyes and saw them two tables down from me.

I turned back around, "yeah them.. They keep staring at me!" I said lowly, afraid that someone might eavesdrop.

Juliannes face got a shade paper, if that was even possible. It already looked like she's seen a ghost!

"Helllooo!" I waved a hand in from of her face trying to snap her out of it. She shook her head quickly and looked at me. She smiled but still looked sort of dazed.

"Okay here's what you need to know about them." She took a deep breath, looking like she was contemplating about if she should tell me or not. "They do these thi-" but she was cut off by Courtney and Bethany sitting down next to us and bickering about random shit.

"Umm Courtney.. Sorry to interrupt your bickering shit with Bethany but-" I started but of course she had to interrupt me.

"Woaahhh did innocent and shy jewel just swear?" She sounded shocked oh my gosh.

"Who ever said I was innocent?" I retorted adding a wink in there for good measure.

"True, but you are shy." She told me.

"Yeah but that's around people I don't know yet, but if I'm threatened or you get to know me then I won't be shy at all!" I fought back.

"Okay okay I'm sorry" she said putting her hands up in defense, "what we're you talking about before?"

"Okay, so who are those 5 guys that always walk around together?!" I asked, sort of getting frustrated as I see them keep looking over at me.

"Oh umm..." She looked over and Julianne then back to me. "You probably already asked Julianne so I don't need to tell you do I?"

"No! Please tell me, they keep looking at me!" I pleaded, starting to get a little startled.

"Oh, trust me you have nothing to worry about. Julianne just gets a weird vibe around them, you'll be fine." She finally answered.

But why did she say 'you'll be fine'? I never told her I thought I was gonna get hurt. She's probably hiding something from me, but I don't really know.

"What class do you have next jewel?" Bethany leaned over and asked from across Courtney.

"Umm chorus? What about you?" I asked.

"We all have gym next ugh!" She told me.

"Oh that sucks! But hey at least we have all of our morning classes together!" I told her.

"Yeah we'll see you after gym we have to leave lunch early to change bye!" Bethany told me.

They all stood up got rid of their garbage and went to the gym doors. Great now I have nobody to tell me where the chorus room is. Well I will just have to wander the halls until I find it.

I got up and threw my brown paper bag away and started walking around. I was going back to my locker in the senior hall to get a pencil because I wanted to be prepared.

167, 168, 169, 170.... God why can I remember my locker number. I kept walking down the hall trying to have something tigger my memory but nothing helped.

I heard footsteps coming down the hallway and when your shy and slightly paranoid because of what your new friends tell you... You would probably start freaking out too.

But I'm not like those stupid girls and just wait until I get kidnapped, I'm gonna hide myself! The footsteps weren't in the senior hall yet but they were getting closer.

The lockers were big enough for me to fit into but they all were locked and I couldn't find mine. All the teachers were eating lunch.. I doubt that they have their classrooms unlocked but I could try.

The footsteps grew louder and I heard a group of laughter. I'm gonna have to act quickly.

I started jiggling all the handles on the doors but so far no luck. I finally tried all the doors but none of them were open. I would go the bathroom and hide but they weren't in any of the halls, they were just outside of the halls.

Okay plan: keep trying to find my locker and hope that whoever is coming, pray to God that it isn't those 5 guys, and ignore them hoping that they will not notice me.

I kept looking at the lockers and I decided to go to a random locker and try out my code but it didn't work. For my sake I will just keep pretending it's my locker.

I heard the footsteps walking down the hall, and laughing that grew louder. I was probably in the middle of the hall and they kept walking and laughing.

I bowed my head and covered the side of my face with my hair, so they couldn't see it. My hands started trembling on the lock as they grew closer.

Why am I even scared of them? They are just a group of guys the same age as me. It's probably not even them...

The laughter died down and the footsteps slowed. Shit, I'm screwed. I felt a hand on my waist, travel along to the other side of my body and then disappear. A presence leaned on the lockers next to me.

I didn't bother look up or make eye contact with any of them, obviously I'm shy so why would I.

"So, let me get this straight." Somebody whispered in my ear, a guy. "You and your brother move to London then you come back to California without him? Where is that loser of a brother you have Hmm?"

I crinkled my face in confusion, but still refused to make eye contact. But of course he just kept whispering in my ear. "Act like you don't know what I'm talking about but you and I both know." He paused, thinking about something.

I felt his hands snake around my waist. "Let's have a little fun, shall we?"

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