||chapter 27||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

"Umm, nothing?" I said, completely lying. He huffed and examined it more.

"Sure doesn't look like nothing. Who gave you this hickey, hmm?" He pressured. He turned me around and looked in my eyes. "Was it one of nialls friends, or was it Niall.." He guessed.

I kept my eyes down because I was afraid to look up at him. "Jewel look at me." He growled. I still didn't look up and he put his hands on my hips.

He took my hips and pressed me up against his. I was uncomfortably close to him and scared. I wouldn't have dated him if I knew he would be this controlling. Maybe I should just end it early before I get too attached. I felt Kian grab my chin and force it upwards.

I kept my eyes shut closed from the sudden pain and I felt his hand loosed his grip a bit. "Open your eyes jewel." He commanded. I slowly opened them to see Kian there. He smiled a warm smile before talking again.

"Now, you're going to tell me who gave you this hickey or there will be consequences." I gasped a bit at the word consequences. Brandon always used punishments and the way Kian said consequences, it was most as bad.

"It's my life Kian so don't have to tell you anything." I sassed to him. He smirked a bit, looking amused.

"It's so cute when you try to be mad." He told me. I frowned at him and just crossed my arms. He put me up against a wall and held me in place by me shoulders. His face suddenly turned rock hard. "Now, you're going to tell me who did this to you then we can go do the plans I had arranged for today."

Out of total and utter fear I squeaked out, "Brandon." I felt him put more pressure on my shoulders and it started to hurt them even more.

"And who is Brandon?" He asked. I leaned in close to my face and I started getting scared again. I put my head down.

"My ex boyfriend." I muttered. The pressure sort of loss ended on my shoulders and I let out a breath. He put two fingers on the bottoms of my chin and lifted it up so I was looking at him.

"You've been a good girl today jewel." He said. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I rested my hands and my head on his chest while he kept talking. "And because you were good, and because I think this relationship will go far,"

I said, "wrong" in my head. I've already wanted to break up with him one the second day.

"I'm going to take you out to get a phone!" He said happily. I looked up at him and smiled.

"But I don't have any money.." I told him. He smiled wider, if it was even possible, while I just frowned.

"That's fine! Ever since we made the gang we've gotten a bunch of money." He started. I tried stepping away from him but he kept a firm grip on my waist. "We're actually getting pretty popular on the streets and other gangs are starting to get scared of us. Later today we have to go to the gym because we need to get stronger if we wanna be a better gang."

My heartbeat has started to increase and I didn't really want to hear all of his little details. He let me go and demanded, "so go upstairs and get ready. We're gonna get a phone then have a nice lunch."

I nodded and started to walk away. I felt him smack my ass again as I was walking and I looked around to see him biting his lip and looking me up and down. I looked back around before he caught me looking at him. I quickly scrambled up the stairs, suddenly afraid of what Kian was probably thinking.

I just put on a casual cute dress and some sandals and did my hair and makeup like normal. I walked downstairs and saw Kian on the couch watching tv. "Okay I'm ready!" I said pretty chipper. Why wouldn't I be? I'm getting a new phone and having lunch with my boyfriend! That sounds like a good day to me.

I got up and turned the tv off and walked over to me smiling. "Okay babe lets go!" He said happily.

"Oh wait, one second." I told him. I got a piece of paper and started scribbling on it saying, "hey mum, going out with some friends to go shopping and to lunch, be back around 1 ish xoxo jewel" I put it under her note and snatched the one from Matthew or Brandon away. I crumpled it up and threw it in the garbage.

"What was that?" Kian asked, looking quite confused. I froze for a second but then put on a calm face.

"Oh, nothing." I shook it off like it was no big deal. He just nodded, still looking confused and we left.


"Okay so what kind of iPhone do you want?" The apple clerk guy Said. I looked up at Kian almost like asking for permission. He squeezed my hand that was laced with his. I smiled a bit.

"I'll have a white iPhone 5s." I told him politely. He nodded and got one out of the storage of them. I placed it in front of me and I smiled really wide. "And would you like everything transferred from the cloud on this one?" He asked. I nodded excitedly.

I told him my Apple ID and everything and writhing 5 minutes I had my new IPhone. Kian squeezed my hand again and I looked up at him smiling super big, I think my smile made him smile even more.

We had lunch at this place called carrabbas and it was delicious. It was darkly lit and so romantic and everything was so expensive! I felt really bad for taking kians money but he insisted.

He drove me home and walked me up to the doorstep. "Thanks for buying me all that stuff today!" I told him happily.

"Anything for my beautiful girlfriend." He said winking. He drew me into a hug and hugged back, rather tightly may I add. I smelt his amazing cologne and sniffed it in, letting out a sigh afterwards.

I felt him pull back and so did I. "How about we do something tomorrow?" He asked.

"I would love too." I answered smiling. This is the Kian I love, not the demanding one. He bent down and kissed my forehead before walking off. I watched him all the way until
He got in his car just wondering, how did I get so lucky?

I unlocked my door and walked inside. It seemed a little windy as I got in but that made no sense since I closed and locked all the windows.

I closed the front door and locked it. Slowly walking in. I saw the kitchen knife that was on the counter gone and mum wasn't home. It was around 1 and mum is never late, I was starting to get a little anxious.

I looked around and saw that the window was smashed open with pieces of glass on the floor. "Mom?!" I yelled. She couldn't have been upstairs because she always waits for me until I got home to make sure I was alright. Ever since dad died.

I looked around to see if she left me a note. Right under my note on the counter was another one.

It was written in red ink, but not just any red ink. It looked like blood. My question was answered when I saw the knife I had before right next to it with blood dripping down it.

It was hard to read but I made it out as, "so Kian is your new little boyfriend jewel? I told you, you're mine. And you told him about me, that was a mistake. So let's make this into a little game. I have someone that you love. I'm somewhere in your house so I will know if you call the police or anyone else. If you do, I kill her. Find me alone and do what I want and no one gets hurt. Good luck darling, Brandon."

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