||chapter 42||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

I woke up in an unfamiliar room. An unfamiliar bed. And unfamiliar house. The only light that was illuminating the room was the light poured in from the window. I sat up and looked around. It didn't take long before I figured out who's house it was because the bastard was sleeping right next to me.

I slowly and quietly got out of bed, trying not to wake him up. Once I was on my feet I noticed I was t wearing the same clothes as last night.. Shit. I was wearing one of his black t-shirts and some of his boxers. Both were way to big for me.

I quietly tip toed my way to the door on his bedroom and had my hand on the knob. I turned it but the stupid thing made a creak noise very loudly. I looked back and saw Brandon only stirred in his sleep. I sighed quietly and finished turning the doorknob. Before I could even start to open the door I felt a presence behind me. With great fear I turned around to be faced with Brandon.

"where are you going, baby girl?" He whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine. He placed his hands under his shirt and on my skin around my waist.

"Well... Umm.. You said you would take me home today so I was just going to get ready..." I stuttered. My head pounded from anxiety and probably a slight hangover. But that makes no sense because I only had 2 glasses of wine.

"You are home, babe."

//Kian's p.o.v\\

I woke up still furious about loosing jewel. I should've known that she was probably just acting. But now she's off somewhere and I have no idea how to find her. I stomped down the stairs, not liking the feeling of the bed behind empty when I wake up.

"Aye, Kian, why didn't I get to have jewel last night?" I heard. I looked over to see Cameron smirking wildly.

"None of your business, Dallas." I said grumpily. I poured a bowl of cereal into a bowl and lazily got milk.

"She was mine last night and you didn't give her to me. So I had to go back to Julianne. She was no fun, always trying to escape and shit." He kept talking.

"They all try to escape, Dallas, and jewel just happened to do it last night."

//jewels p.o.v\\

I turned around and ripped his grip off of me. "This is not my home, and it never will be." I protested. My voice was calm and steady, surprisingly. He laughed a deep laugh and came closer to me, causing me to step back.

"Where else are you going to go, jewel? Back to Kian? He hurt you, and I know I have too in the past but please.. Give me a second chance." He begged. Considering he changed me in the middle of the night and slept in the same bed as me, I'm not too sure.

"Who changed me?" I asked, sassily, crossing my arms over my chest. He looked me up and down and smiled.

"Why, do you like it?" He said. I glared at him and he instantly backed off. "Okay I did. But only because you looked uncomfortable in what you were wearing. You were awake when I changed you." He said.

I shifted and blushed from just finding out I was awake. I guess my memory was faded a bit from what I drank. "What exactly did I say last night?" I asked, obviously embarrassed of the current state I was in.

"Oh just the obvious things you said before, when we were in a relationship." He put his hands up to his chest and started mocking me. "Oh Brandon.. You're soooo hot." He said in a overly high pitched voice, which actually made me giggle but I covered it up with a cough. "Yeah you practically threw yourself on me when I was changing you, saying that you wanted to have sex with me."

I blushed and looked down. My head was guided up by his fingers under my chin. "Don't be embarrassed, baby. We can still do it if you want." He smirked. I glared at him.

"If you want to win me back then you probably shouldn't rape me." I argued.

"Oh please. I know you love it when I'm rough. You just can't resist me when I take full control." He leaned it close, pinning my back to the door, hands on my waist. He whispered in my ear. "Just liked this.." He trailed off, sucking on my neck.

He immediately went to my sweet spot and started to give me another hickey. My knees buckled and I kept my cool and tried to stay up. He started sucking more harshly and deeper in my skin, causing me to moan. I figured it was too late to go back now, he already knew he was pleasuring me.

I put my hands around his neck and let my head fall back. "Jump." He breathed into my ear. I did what he told me to and jumped, wrapping my legs around his waist, so I would stay up. "Good girl." I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

He trailed his kisses up to my mouth and I surprisingly kissed back. He licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I accepted him by kissing back and he stuck his tongue down my throat with no hesitation. Our tongues danced for a while and he started to walk towards the bed.

I was laid down carefully on the bed, feeling the soft bed under me. He slowly climbed on top of me, not breaking the kiss. I brought my hands up to his hair and started to tug on it. I felt his hands lifting the hem of my shirt up. I brought mine from his hair down to his hands, guided them away from my shirt. He grunted and moved them down to his boxers that were on me.

I started squirming, trying to get him off of me. "This isn't how you win me back." I mumbled into the kiss. He broke it and looked at me.

"Well what do you want me to do then, Jewel?" He asked, clearly frustrated. I got out of under him and sat on the bed, my legs crossed under me. He swung himself around and sat in front of me.

"Be nice to me. Care about me. Don't treat me like I'm just your toy that you can play with whenever you want." My eyes started to tear up at the last sentence.

"I'm trying," he grabbed both of my hands in his. "I'm really trying, Jewel. It's gonna take a while to get out of my habits.. And if you care about me too you would wait through it. I promise you I can be a perfect boyfriend." He persuaded.

"It's not possible to trust somebody like you." I mumbled. I felt his hands tense against mine.

"Listen jewel. I'm sorry I raped you. I'm sorry I abused you. And I'm sorry I killed your mom!" He said. I gasped at his last statement still hard to think about that.

"Another reason I can't trust you. What if you're just lying and you're gonna do all those things to me again. I'll probably just end up being your little toy again." I said sadly.

"Fine then, Jewel." He pulled me off the bed and pinned me against the wall, once again. "If you don't want to trust me then I'll give you a reason not to trust me." I felt his hips press against mine as he started to bite on my earlobe.

"Because guess what? You're my toy again, and this time you're not getting away."

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