||chapter 44||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

I woke up in a different bed, yet again. Nobody was next to me and I was changed into different clothes. I got up out of the bed, stretched, and decided to go downstairs to see if I could find anybody. I tiptoed quietly down the stairs, not quite on sure which ones creaked.

My feet hit the coldness of the floor and I started to remember where I was. This was the house that Niall hurt me in and broke my wrist when he didn't believe me. This was the house that Brandon found me. This is the house that bad things happen at.

I heard people talking in the kitchen, talking about me. I stayed against the wall, making sure I was out of sight. "I know she's here styles, now give her back." Kian. Shit. Why would he think of coming here to look?!

"She's not here. I haven't seen her since someone shot her." Harry was defending me. He was the only person I could trust at thins point.

"Don't you fucking say that to me, styles." Kian said, obviously pissed off. I scooted against the wall further down, making it more safe for them not to see me.

"Well it's true. And even if she was here I wouldn't let you get to her. She's delicate and has had so many bad things happen to her. I'm not letting you hurt her more." Harry spoke. I smiled a bit at his sentence.

"Fine I'll leave but I will come back here. I have connections to find her. And if I realize she is here, she's not going to be the only one that gets hurt." I ducked into a closet so when he walked down the hall to the door he wouldn't see me.

I looked at his face as he walked past. He had bags under his eyes. His hair was messy. It's like he actually cared about me these past 2 or 3 days. But that's not possible, he's hurt me too many times to care. He opened the front door, walked out and slammed it.

I figured the coast was clear so I jumped out of the closet and ran over to hug Harry. He flinched a little at my touch, probably surprised. "Thank you so so so so so so so much!" I mumbled into his black t-shirt. He hugged me back tighter and I felt his abs flex.

"No problem. I promise you, you're not going to get hurt under my care. So just stay with us and he'll never find you again." I smiled yet again at his words. We stood there for a minute, just the two up us, embraced in each others arms. He let go of me first so I let go of him after. "So what do you want for breakfast?" He asked.

"Umm, surprise me! And what time is it anyway?" I asked. He pulled his phone out and showed it to me. It read 8:28. I then realized I didn't have a phone. I pouted a bit and I guess he realized.

"What's wrong?"

"I still don't have a phone because Matt dropped in out of his car window when we were going down a highway." I said.

"Well do you want one?!" He said excitedly. I looked at him, hope filling my eyes.

"But they're so much money! And I don't want to be a burden.." I mumbled.

"Oh please, it's nothing. If your going to be here I want you to be happy at the least! And if you ever left the house for something you're going to have to call me so I know your safe." He said seriously at the end.

"Okay! Well.. When would we get it then?" I said too excited to find out I would finally get a phone.

"Does today sound good?"

"Yes!" I jumped up and hugged him again. But this time I had my legs wrapped around his waist, and my head buried in his neck.

"Okay okay, down girl." He chuckled. He handed me his phone. "Here, play some games while I cook us breakfast." I jusmped off him and took the phone smiling to myself. I ran like a little kid over to the living room and sat on the couches, playing temple run.

I was so close to beating his high score until someone sat down next to me, scaring me out of my entranced video game session. "Hey jewel.." They said nervously. I looked up only to find Niall. I know this may act rude, but he used to be mean to me... I scooted away from him and to the other side of the house. "Jewel will you please just listen to me? I'm so sorry for the things I did before. And if you're going to be living with us for a while I don't want us to be on bad grounds." He begged.

"I'll forgive you for now, but you have to do something to make it up to me." I compromised.

"I'll do anything for our friendship back again!" He begged once more.

"Breakfast is ready!" Harry yelled from the kitchen. I got up off the couch and started walking over to the kitchen. I could feel nialls presence behind me.

I sat down at the table and waited patiently as Harry brought out chocolate chip pancakes, scrambled eggs, and a beautiful fruit salad. "Harry this looks beautiful!" I said. Within seconds the rest of the boys were at the dinner table. They all started grabbing food and I couldn't get my way in to get any.

"Hey guys! Let jewel have some food!" Harry announced. The all listened and backed off. I looked at Harry shocked at how he could control them like that. I cautiously got some pancakes, some eggs, and a lot of fruit salad. When I was done they dove right into the food again.

After that I was piled with questions they were dying to ask me.

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