||chapter 35||

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//jewels p.o.v\\

I heard a horrible scream. I wanted to help whoever was in pain but my body felt numb. I couldn't get myself to get on my feet and run.

Run away from all my problems. Run away from everybody causing them. Just run, run until I can't run anymore.

The screaming continued. It was becoming unbearable. It was soon replaced by beeping sounds. It felt as if I was on a boat. Floating away from the world.

The world came back to color from the darkness I was in. Everything was fuzzy and I couldn't concentrate on anything going on. I saw a strange face looking down at me. He had a white doctors mask on and one of those hats. He shouted something to someone, I couldn't understand it.

A ringing was filling my ears and I tried to get up. I found I was restrained by something. I struggled trying to get out, thinking this was one of Kian's weird games. I soon saw a familiar face in front of mine. I couldn't tell if it was Harry or Kian or maybe someone else...


//shawns p.o.v\\

I wasn't going to help beat up that poor boy. Me and Kian have a special friendship. He knows that I won't beat anybody up if they're innocent. As he was the complete opposite... He acts as if people are just objects. So that's when jewel fought back to try to save her friend Louis, Kian got more than furious.

He pulled out the gun and threatened to shoot her thigh. Except right before he pulled the trigger somebody spoke up and said something. I guess Kian got distracted when he looked up his arms raised a little and he still pulled the trigger, oblivious to where the gun was pointing.

All that was heard next was jewels screams. She fell to the ground and laid there, clenching her stomach. I ran over to her and took my shirt off. I wrapped it around her waist, covering up the wound that she got to make sure she doesn't loose too much blood. I was almost like the doctor of the group.

"Somebody call 911!" I screamed as I put pressure on the shirt. I heard somebody talking on the phone to them and I tried talking to jewel but she wouldn't respond. Her eyes were hazy and looking straight up at the sky. She stopped screaming thank god... But now I can't even tell if she is alive.

I felt a hand on my shoulder making me flinch. I looked back to see Kian. "You know the plan Shawn. You ride with her in the ambulance and tell them you're her brother. Make sure she doesn't say anything about us, or escapes." I nodded. Fully aware of the routine. "Don't fuck this one up, mendes. She's special." He smirked a bit. I think I threw up a bit in my mouth when he said that.

We started hearing sirens in the backround and I picked up jewel bridal style. Her hands landed on my chest and they were as cold as ice cubes. Harry ran over and tried to help Louis in place of jewel. Every one of Harry's friends were stunned. I guess they didn't know Kian would actually shoot her.

"That was fucked up, mate!" Harry yelled at Kian.

"Like I said, she needs to learn who's in control."

"That doesn't mean you fucking shoot an innocent girl! What the hell did she ever do to you?!" That was the wrong thing to saw to Kian. I stepped back as Kian stomped over to Harry.

He pushed him back into Harry's car and held him by his collar. Harry seemed really calm and that just made Kian even more furious. "You don't fucking know anything about me styles. Now you and your little friends need to leave. Don't come back and this will be fine. If you do come back I'll make life torture for you and jewel." He slammed Harry's back against the car before walking off.

"Cmon mates let's be the bigger person." Harry muttered. Another mistake.

"Cameron, jc, get Louis." Kian ordered. Cameron and jc walked quickly over to Louis and held him by the wrists. They dragged him back to Kian and set him down. "If you tell the cops, or anyone, about this your friend will get hurt. I assure you this." I felt jewel shift a bit in my arms. The ambulance was only 10 houses away now. "Now leave before the ambulance comes." Harry and his crew scrambled into his car and drove out of the driveway and a different way than the ambulance.

Once the ambulance got here i put jewel on the stretcher and they strapped her in. I hopped in the back, telling them I was immediate family. They put a breathing mask on her and it all seemed to familiar. Last time I was pretending to be the brother of someone was when I was a junior and it was with Julianne.

••flash back••

//Juliannes p.o.v\\

"Stop it, Kian! You don't have to do this to girls!" I pleaded him. He put the head of the gun on my thigh.

"You tried to run, darling." He said so calmly it was terrifying. "That's, what, like, the fourth time now? I have no other chance except for this, babe."

The horrible stinging pain in my leg made me fall to the ground. Kian released his grip on me and I laid there sobbing from the pain. "Shawn get the ambulance!" He shouted to another room.

Soon enough I heard sirens in the distance. I felt myself being picked up and I started to squirm in their arms. "Shh Julianne. It's Shawn, I won't hurt you." He assured me.

I was rolled out on a stretcher and that was the last time I saw that house. Shawn let me run away after my leg was all healed up and nobody ever spoke of it since. He told me he took the heat for me and at that moment I knew I could trust him.

••end of flashback••

//shawns p.o.v\\

I took the heat for Julianne. I felt so bad for her. Kian was being so hard on her and she did nothing to him. He swore her to secrecy and the only times she's almost told was with her.

She can never know or else she'll escape and Kian will surely kill me. I know the plans he has for her.

I don't know what to do. Let jewel run away or have her suffer from kian.

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