||chapter 47||

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//Kian's p.o.v\\

They better not go to a fucking hospital. I know what Harry would do, he would tell the truth and get us put in jail. I'm not fucking going to jail. If they do go to the hospital I have some of my people there. Jc is there to make sure if they do tell they don't leave, possibly bring them back here. Matthew has amazing hearing so he can tell. And Cameron will help Jc, just on the other set of doors.

I'm not gonna be fucking put in jail because of this. Jewel deserves her life of pain for how her brother embarrassed me.

//jewels p.o.v\\

He pulled away right when I made contact with his lips. "Jewel, no." He scolded. He took my by the waist and turned me around so I was facing the front. I crossed my arms and pouted.

"How long until we get there?" I asked.

"About 2 more minutes" Louis replied. I sighed. I put my fingers up to massage my temple until I realized that one of them was bloody as a period.

"Umm Harry..." I trailed off. I turned myself around, accidentally sitting on his dick for a second but that doesn't matter right now. I showed him all the blood on my forehead.

"Louis go faster!" He shouted. The car sped up and it hit a bump. I fell off of Harry's lap onto the other seat. But I was pulled right back on by Harry.

"I can see the hospital!" Louis stated.

"Okay when we get in the parking lot just drop us off at the main doors and find a spot." Harry forced. Louis nodded and that's exactly what he did.

When we got out of the car Harry picked me up bridle style and carried me in through the doors. "Why did you have to pick me up?" I asked quietly.

"So it's more believable that were dating. Also if I just walked in with someone's head that was bleeding all over their face they might think I did it." I chuckled a bit at the end. I looked at him confused. Why was that so funny.

He checked us in and I was immediately rushed to the emergency room. The doctors asked us how it happened and I looked at Harry. I knew if I told them the truth Kian would find out and somehow kill me before they get put in jail. But if he didn't kill me I would have a peaceful life with Harry. I thought about telling the truth until I realized lying would just make things so much easier. Kian wouldn't get more mad and me and Harry would just move with the rest of the boys away from him.

"We were messing around outside and I stumbled on my feet and my head landed on a rock." I told him. I looked back at Harry to see him kind of furious. He probably wanted to tell them the truth and get the disgusting bastards put in jail.

"And by messing around you mean..." He trailed off.

"No no no. It wasn't sex we were just playing tag with a couple of our friends." I lied again. He nodded and wrote something down on his clipboard. After that he examined my head and turns out I need 7 stitches. Thank god he told me they were gonna be dissolvable ones.

They surprisingly got me to the operating table really quickly and put me under for the surgery I guess you could call it. But the last thing I was was Harry screaming at Louis for what I did.

//Harry p.o.v\\

"No Louis! She fucking lied to the doctor and now they won't get in jail!"
I yelled quietly. I didn't want people eavesdropping on our conversation.

He dragged me into the bathroom so I could let out my feelings I guess. "She told them that we were playing fucking tag and that she tripped and fell on a rock! Why didn't she just tell the truth and get those bastards in jail!" I screamed.

"She probably thought it would be easier. She knows we're gonna move soon and she probably thought Kian would find out soon and get all mad at her again. She's just protecting herself with all the wrong moves. We can't tell them now they won't believe us so just move on with it, mate." Louis reassured me. I nodded and sighed heavily while we walked out of the bathroom.

On the other side of the room I saw someone familiar. He had curly brown hair and mysterious sunglasses on so I couldn't see his face. He had a big bruise on his cheek that looked fresh. His arms were crossed like a security guard but it was obvious that he wasn't one. Then there was one that was taller about 15 feet away from me. He looked more familiar than the other one but I couldn't put my finger on it.

Until I saw Matt. Then it all made sense. Kian knew we were gonna come to see if we would tell the hospital what actually happened and put them in jail. Me and Matt made eye contact and I shot him a glare.

I looked over back to the room and saw jewel was almost done. In ten minutes she was out of the room and in a separate room where we were told to watch her until she woke up. Her forehead looked a lot better and the gauze on it wasn't having blood rush through it.

Me and Louis were waiting in the room when the doctor came in. "I have bad news for you guys." He started. We immediately stood up, wanting to know. "It seems the fall to the rock has put some trauma to her brain and she has minor long term memory loss. The only things she will remember are the things that has given her the most emotion." We both looked at each other, unsure of what to think.

"But what if she just met the person and they didn't have that much impact on her?" I asked. I know me and Louis did because she remembered is when she gained consciousness.

"Yes most likely." He answered. "She should be in about 20 minutes." We nodded and he left the room.

"We better hope she remembers the boys."

//jewels p.o.v\\

I woke up and saw Harry and Louis talking about something but I couldn't tell what. I mumbled something just to get their attention and Harry's head snapped straight towards me. "Babe, do you feel better?" He asked. He talked so fast it almost gave me a headache.

"Yeah. Can we go home I'm super tired." I mumbled. I felt his warm hand lock onto my cold on, warming it up.

He didn't answer, just picked me up. Straight away I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his chest.

I fell back into a peaceful sleep, feeling the Rhythm of his footsteps carrying me home.

//Matthews p.o.v\\

"No she didn't tell them." I explained to Kian. "They told to doctor she tripped and fell on a rock."

"Okay good." He replied

"So do you want us to get them or do we let them go? We know where they live so..." I trailed off, knowing he'd know what I meant.

"No don't mention you're there. Let's have a little fun with them."

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