Lost Kitten

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A knot of anxiety began to form in her stomach, Kinta needed to get out of here. She used the railing along the edges of the elevator to push herself towards the top, leaving the food on the floor as she pushed the emergency hatch open and climbed on top of the elevator.
"This thing better not start moving while I'm climbing out." She grumbled, wrapping her hands around the massive cable as she started to climb upwards.
Several exhausting minutes later, she finally reached the next floor. The sliding door's were metal, so her claws wouldn't help her much, she ended up having to put her feet against the frame of the doors and pull them apart that way. Finally free of the elevator shaft, Kinta stepped in the hallway on the 195th floor, but massive metal barriers stopped her.
"Heaven's arena is in lockdown? Why?" She pulled out her cellphone, dialing Hisoka's number as she pressed her hand against the cold metal of the barrier door.
"Kitten~" Hisoka answered on the first ring.
"Hisoka, are you okay?"
She heard him chuckle through the phone then he grunted, followed by a loud metallic bang. "I'm fine~ where are you~?"
"The 195th floor." Kinta sighed. "I think I'm stuck."
"Come now, you're smarter than that~" There was another grunt and metallic clang, was he fighting? "You should keep moving, there's enemies here. It seems they've hijacked the security system and~" He paused as the sound of exchanged blows came through the phone.
"Are you really fighting somebody while on the phone?!" Kinta exclaimed.
Hisoka chuckled again. "They've activated the tower's security bots, they are roaming the halls and attacking anybody not in the rooms. They aren't particularly strong, but there are quite a few of them." He sighed boredly. "Keep moving, Ill find you soon~"
"Be careful Hisoka."
"You too Kitten~"
The phone beeped as she hung up. "What the hell am I supposed to do?" Kinta muttered to herself, removing her hand from the metal barrier and looking around the small space. There where no other doors here besides the elevator shaft, should she keep climbing up?
She walked back to the open elevator doors and looked up the long, dark shaft and shivered. She really didn't want to go back in there unless she had to. An idea suddenly dawned on her, the barrier doors were metal, but the walls themselves weren't. A mischievous smile spread across her face as she summoned her Sytche to her side, taking a step back and raising her hand before lunging forwards and swinging downwards against the wall. Her ability left a deep score in the wall as she raised it again and slashed another score, creating and X on the wall before taking several step s back again.
"Here goes nothing." She muttered as she ran at the wall, leaping and focusing her Ko in her foot as she kicked the middle of the X.
The wall collapsed outwards as she landed on the other side, grinning from ear to ear.
"God damnit I love myself."

"Hmm~" Hisoka hummed to himself from his perch outside of Heavens Arena.
He'd needed to take a break from all the noise and commotion inside the building, it was way too over stimulating. Where could Kinta be? He absent mindedly twisted her Nen bracelet around his wrist, he could sense her nearby, but the various barrier walls made it difficult to find her.
"What the hell is going on?!" A familiar voice hollered from below.
Hisoka chuckled as he looked down, Leorio was peeking his head out of a massive hole that's been left in the side of the building. How had that happened anyways? The magician smiled to himself as he activated his Bungee Gum, grabbing a hold of Leorio and hoisting him upward so the man dangled in front of him.
"Hello there~"
"What the?! YOU?!" Leorio exclaimed frustratedly as he thrashed around against his Bungee Gum. "What the hell are you doing?! Let me go!"
Hisoka blinked. "Are you sure about that~?"
The man paused and looked down, seeming to finally realize that he was dangling almost 200 stories above the ground.
"I take it back!" His tone suddenly sounded desperate. "Please don't let me go!"
"Question~" Hisoka hummed as he began bouncing Leorio up and down by tugging on the bungee gum, toying with him. "Are your friends here with you tonight~?"
"Huh? Yeah there here somewhere- hey cut that out!!" He complained loudly as the magician bounced him.
"You haven't seen Kinta by chance, have you~?"
"Yeah I did actually. Last place I saw her was by the elevators." He blinked before a sly smirk spread across his face. "I heard you two are dating. Couple of love birds huh?"
Hisoka gave him a dead-pan expression. What about this scenario makes him think it's a good idea to try and tease him? He sighed to himself, he wanted to keep looking for Kinta- but this buffoon was practically helpless. He'd only just now started to learn about Nen, and Leorio was one of his toys after all. Kinta should be able to handle herself for now.
"Come on then~ let's go find your friends~" He sighed as he attached his bungee gum higher on the outside of the building, launching both of them upwards. He ignored Leorio's surprised yelp as they moved, perhaps they could help him find his lost kitten.

Kinta grunted as she kicked down yet another wall, leading her into one of the many gyms inside of heavens arena. She coughed a little as she wiped the powdered plaster away from her face and looked around the small sparing space, she'd been blindly roaming around the tower for a while now. Turns out, it's pretty difficult to navigate with these barriers down. To make things worse, Kinta could also sense several powerful auras around her. Three of them really made her hair stand on end, their aura where unlike anything she'd even encountered before. They were dark and malevolent, not just blood thirsty like Hisoka or eerily calm with the promise of explosive, deadly power like Illumi's. No, this felt like pure evil and it sent chills down her spine.
Kinta had no interest in meeting these strange auras in battle, and she wanted to find Hisoka quickly before he decided to try and challenge one of them. Not that she could stop him, but at the very least she wanted to be there for backup.
But it wasn't just these dark auras that made her hair stand on end, another pair of powerful auras had been following her for quite awhile now. They'd stayed out of range of her En, and their presence was muted like they were using Zetsu, they obviously didn't know just how perceptive Kinta was. If it were anybody else, they could have snuck up on her undetected. But Kinta wasn't just anybody, not only was she already naturally perceptive- she'd also been trained by the Grim Reaper himself, it would be incredibly difficult to sneak up on either of them.
She sighed as she folded an arm behind her back to stretch her shoulder, the auras weren't going to stop following her. Here was as good of a place as any to handle them, who knows what Hisoka was dealing with right now. She didn't need to lead them back to him.
"Well? Come on then." She sighed as she shifted her weight and peered into the darkest part of the gym. "I know you want to come out and play."

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