Coming home unwelcomed

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The skyalnders along with their 2 arkeyan guide moved towards what the two robot like beings said was the main entrance a citadel made expertly carved stone as well as expertly forged steel in the middle of a volcano on a once unknown island Ninjini spoke up seeing the citadel from far away

"well, I guess the little rust buckets weren't lying after all"



"We aren't rust buckets, we are arkeyans and prefer the term arkeyans"

"Uggh fine" the Ninja said annoyed

"Alright so pretty heavily guarded at the front no clear path so I guess we just gotta charge in their and hope we don't die?"

"Affirmative." drill sergeant said

"However due to all calculations of a attack concluding in the 0 percent chance of a enemy attack There are very little defenses you do not already see"

"Well there's that at least" crusher said

"given our skills and the element of surprise this will be a piece of cake"

"However there is also the fact that this facility is also has a coordinate to the iron fist"

The skyalnder and the two arkeyans gathered as closest to the citadel they could get with out being spotted and trerex began to go over the plan

"Alright Skylanders the objective and path is clear we hit him hard and fast and get to the iron fist then we win this war!"

The Skylanders charged the front of the bridge immediately the arkeyan warriors stationed at the citadel manned the cannons and fired upon the skyalnders however it was in vain as the rock golem named 'crusher' destroyed all the incoming projectiles even knowing one back towards the cannon

Bashing down the gate with a charge trerex immediately started to give his orders
"Alright, thumpback and hot head take out the cannons everyone else clear out these robots!"

Combing up the battlements using his anchor and began using it as whip against the cannons knowing there projectiles out of the air before hooking his anchor on a cannon roiling it of its bolting and throwing it at another then doing a belly flop like attack to clear the rest of the cannons

On the other side of the citadel hot head was lifting all the cannons he could find on fire while moving around in his mortar cycle more until all that was left of the cannons were nothing but melted metal

Back on the ground Ninjini went ahead of the main group towards a large amount of arkeyan warriors at first appearing to charge head first before teleporting begins then and decapitating there rear guard before moving in on the rest with her twin blades

"Easy as always" Ninjini said unaware that a single arkeyan warrior unit was still active and about to stab her in the back.....

Skylanders Memories and adventuresDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora