Admittance at last

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The skylanders gathered on the bridge, a holographic meeting between the giants, Kassandra and other skylander teams, briefing what was and planning for what is next.

"I agree, if there is a chance a way to reverse the effects of traptaium then we must investigate and confirm. It would allow us to bring back the ones we lost, with their help and now the ability to secure our numbers we can bring down this evil." Trerex said.

During this meeting stealth elf and ninjini found themselves or at least their holographic forms right next to each other, and altough the elf had to divert most of her attention to making sure whisper didn't do or say anything she'd be kept up at night years later, she waved to ninjini with her free hand which was reciprocated by ninjnj, causing the to both hide a blush.

"Then it is decided, the Arkuses bane will move to investigate this matter, in the meantime you are all to resume your missions. Secure the skys and liberate the islands, I will call when we need to meet again. Any last points to bring up?" Kassandra said, referring the skylander teams by their ships name as was custom.

Gull grunt raised a hand.

"Yes Gill?"

"The Iron fin has observed and intervened upon multiple troll activities and bases near or even in arkeyan ruins, some still active. They have begun to attempt to scavenge for Arkeyan metal. We first believed this was in the attempt to use these materials for themselves, however the shipments never once went on course to known troll bases or production sites. All ships we've boarded had no long term data in their navigational logs, no destinations and all the ships were flown by auto pilots and the trolls there did not even know they currently were."

"That is interesting. I'll send a team of hackers and what tech skylanders I can scrape up. Secure the computers and continue your observations and missions."

"Yes ma'am."

"Anything else? No? Alright, this meeting is over. Best of luck. Academy out." Kassandra said before her hologram disappeared.

"Iron fin out."

"Gigantic out."

"Arkuses bane out." Chop chop said, leaving the meeting.

"So we keep doing what we're doing?" Sprocket asked


"Alright well I'm going to get some fresh air, meetings do that to me somehow." She said leaving.

As she left drill sergeant looked on, calculating, thinking and getting a sense of what to do. However although no words were spoken such action was noticed by stealth elf and upon thinking back to calculate the possibilities she spoke.

"Hey drill, what's the deal with you and Sprocket?" She asked in a respectful manner.

Drill didn't say anything for a little before replying.

"We are good friends to my belief and knowledge."

"Yeah but is there anything more?" She asked.

"What are you getting at stealth elf?" Spyro said.

"Well to be honest, I think he likes her."

This caused a spectacular silence from all beings present as drill sergeant attempted to think of a response that would be convincing.


"You know what I mean."

"I deny such accusations."

After he said this Chop chop, who was leaning against a wall next to Drill turned his head and looked at him.

"You do like her."

This all but shattered any attempts that could or were made in drill sergeants mind to convince the group otherwise and the Arkeyan only stood in silence.

It would be whisper elf who broke this silence, disappearing and reappearing around drill sergeant.

"You like her! You like her! You like her!" She repeated.

"No, whisper don't tease him." Stealth elf said grabbing and muffling her little sister.

After this silence once again filled the room, other than whispers muffles.

"So tell her." Ignitor said, causing everyone to look at him.

"You like her so tell her, she's outside so do it."

"I disagree." Drill sergeant said.

"Why? Just do it."


"Cmon drill do it!" Ignitor said getting closer.

Drill sergeant said nothing.

"Do it!" The knight said clapping his hands.

"Understood." Drill sergeant said as a response before moving to the door that lead outside.

"Yeah! Do it drill!" Ignitor cheered on as the arkeyan left.

On the deck Sprocket leaned against the side, her red hair flying in the wind, her goggles gently bouncing as she looked at the sky in front of her.

The Arkeyan gently treaded down the steps and onto the deck, a action which Sprocket noticed.

"Hey drill, you need some fresh air?" She joked.

"Negative." Drill sergeant said before moving next to Sprocket.

"Well there's some reason you're here isn't there?"


"What is it?"

There was a silence that seemed to last for years, the endless ebyss full of dancing and transforming clouds as the Arkeyan finally decided his mind and words.

"I wish, to be more then friends."

This statement caused Sprocket to wide her mouth although only a little as she absorbed the words and pondered a response.

"Well..if I catch your drift and..well I really hope I am....yeah, I uh, I guess I'd like that too."

"Really? feel that way?"

"I guess I do...let's...let's see where this goes." Sprocket said trying to hide her blushing.

"Very well. Do you wish to participate in a activity?"

"Of course...what are you thinking?"

" not sure."

"Oh, well we can find out later."

"Agreed. If you'll excuse me I'll return to the bridge to chart our new course. We are currently heading for a storm which must be changed."

"Alright...I'll be back there in a sec."

"Understood...see you later." Drill sergeant said before leaving.

As the door to the bridge opened and drill sergeant entered, the quiet audience all stood in silence as drill sergeant drove by waiting and hoping for a answer.

"Affirmative." Drill said as he started to change course.

"Yes!" Ignitor exclaimed, his voice towering over the others as his fire began to turn a yellowish gold as chop chop and prism break held more silent excitement.

Meanwhile Sprocket continued to look at the clouds, although with a very different thought and feeling.

"I guess I'm dating a Arkeyan now."

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