The return.

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The gigantic hummed to the old tower it once laid for decades now filled with eight giants who stood over the deck together.

"You know it doesn't look that bad." Bouncer said.

"Indeed, EYE agree." Eye-Brawl said pointing to his head.

"I suppose no abscess can make me fond of your jokes." Tree-Rex said patting his undead comrade on the back.

"Still it doesn't look bad."

Now parked back and heading to their own vessel the skylanders stopped to wave but before fully out of range of sight and sound ninjini appeared in front of stealth elf.

"Um...hey." She said

"Hey so...I was thinking that you're talk really helped me and...if you're willing to I'd like to talk more."

"Well sure that sounds nice.

"Yeah's my number. Considering we may not see each other for some time given the skylands situation it's best if you know it." She said hanging the green elf a small piece of paper.

"Thanks I'll add and text when I can." she said accepting the gift and putting it in her pocket.

"Thanks, now if you excuse me my comrades want to leave."

"Mine too, caio"

"See ya." Ninjini said leaving before exhaling heavily when out of audio range.

The two ships, less than a kilometer apart broke through the sky until the gigantic received it's message from Kassandra.

"Good to see you're all safe." She said in hologram form to the room.

"Good to be back when we're needed, what's the first step?" Tree-red said stepping forward.

"The Cyclopes have began raiding the quarries across skylands and taking hostages to ransom back to the innocents and forcing them to work, stop this and return the prisoners at the outlands border, my intel reports their location near there."

"You got it." Tre-Tex said before ending transmission.

"Alright, we've been out of the fight for a while but we have been called, let's do it!"

The Gigantic sailed northeast far away from the Arkuses bane before disappearing in the camouflage of the horizon as the other ship reached the academy.

This time the academy was quiet with no skylanders upon the isles the academy stood besides the one studying to be one.

Landing and leaving the skylanders entered back to the center and reported to Kassandra.

"I'm glad the giants are still on our side, if we had lost them..."

"Well we didn't" spyro said floating with his wings.

"Yes you're right, now we need to counter attack, the evils of skylands have attacked and plundered I've sent the giants to attack the Cyclopes what I need you to do is deal with the drow, they've been raising the trade routes and major cities of skylands and this must be stopped, their base has been identified and you will find it on this chip." She said handing it to Sprocket.

"Skylands is losing faith is us, the people are living in fear that evils will show up to their door unchallenged and leave unpunished, as long as just one skylander is left we must not let the evil of this world go unchallenged."

"Let's do it then, it can be done and it shall be done!" Jet-Vac said rallying the skylanders belfre they set off to the ship and began their voyage.

"Good luck." She said to them as she looked out the window waving.

King Pen then walked in, searching the room silently before noticing Kassandra.

"I have returned."

"Ah good, I assume the grebels are taken care of as well?"

"Defeated by yours truly."

"Good, now I have a different mission...I believe I've identified our opponents next step, they seem after traptaium to use the skylanders to take over and so will be targeting places that have large amounts of traptaium. Everything else is just a distraction and ones we can not ignore lest we let skylands fall to lesser evils."

"So remove the evil from the source in a surprise attack?"

"No, whoever this..thing is they are incredibly powerful, and we don't even know their name I need you to spy and scout in our enemy, should it become needed, do what you think will be best but be careful, the giants are back but it doesn't mean we're in a surplus of heroes."

"Understood, I will depart at once."

"Good luck and be safe." Kassandra said as the water skylander left.

Now looking at the blank sky Kassandra breathed deeply.

"You're move."

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