A lesson in elements

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Stealth elf yawned as she tucked in whisper, still giving her silent treatment for keeping her from the fight which stealth elf simply brushed aside previously but wished to change it before the day ended.

"How about a story?" Stealth elf said sitting by her sister.

"Fine." The small Ninja said.

"Alright how about...we don't have any story books...hey since you're learning to be a skylander how about I teach you about the elements?"

"I already know about the elements."

"Alright well tell me what you know than."

"Finnne....each element has its opposite and is needed for our world to work the way it does and hold balance across skylands."

"That's correct but not everything."

"What? Master told me that's all I needed to know about the elements."

"Well it's not EVERYTHING to know about them. Want me to tell you? It's probably gonna be on a test when you go to the academy." Stealth elf said with a smirk hidden behind her mask.

"Alright...what do I need to know?" Whisper elf said rolling her eyes.

"Well for one the elements aren't mutually exclusive or inclusive. Often times some elements find themselves being mixed. Most common is magic and undead or life due to magic being the most common element."

"But what about tech and magic? They're opposites right?"

"Yes but that doesn't mean they don't or can't work together. Many conscious machines have some form of magic or enchantment used to creat their minds. Magic is one of the most mind based elements."

"But don't they conflict with each other?"

"Yes but they can be designed not to. Also most of the conflicts are of their nature than reaction to each other. Do you know the difference between magic and tech?"

"Well...no." Whisper elf said looking down at her blankets.

"Well there are many differences. For example every single form of magic was made at the same time. No magic can be invented, only discovered."

"Wait then how come some magic is called old?"

"Because they're use and discovery was old. Tech on the other hand is constantly evolving with every discovery and invention. Magic is highly conservative while tech is inconstant."


"There is also a emotion or ideal of each element. Negative and positive."

"How can a element have a ideal?"

"By what it represents."

"Like what?"

"Well Magic represents tradition and intelligence in memory but also willing limitation. Magic cannot change so nothing can really be improved. Tech represents new ideas, change and intelligence of innovation but also shows abandonment of the past and it's values, oftentimes cultures of the life or magic element criticize the often negative effects the tech element can have on the world. I'm sure master taught you about the trolls constant pollution and destruction of nature."

"I hate lumber trolls."

"You and me both. Now as for air, it represents pure freedom. Air can't be stopped, only redirected. Air also represents the emotions in the weather, thunder, rain and wind. It all has a emotion. However air dismisses attachment, any attachment, which shows that if someone is completely free than they have nothing but freedom. Earth in turn represents attachment itself. It also holds ideas of purpose in that attachment however also represents enslavement and greed that can be found when someone is attached too much to something."

"Like gold."

"Yes like gold. For water, that element shows purpose and a cycle. Water is important for life itself and holds a great purpose but also a lake of will. Water does not follow its own will. Tsunamis and Stroms are decided by other elements not water. Fire in turn gives itself purpose. While we all use fire, fire exists for itself above all else however is selfish in this and uses other elements to spread and get what it wants."

"Like destroying forests?"

"Yes. As for life it represen-

"That's my favorite."

"Mine too but don't interrupt me. Life represents connection and community. All living things are in some way connected however life also shows acceptance to what is above what could be. You and I were taught to except the fate of all life. To die. Undead shows pure determination. To live on despite the entire world saying not too. However it also shows corruption in that determination and will. It is to some extent evil to defy the world, to what extent that makes the person evil is dependent on the person."

"How often is a undead person evil?"

"Well from what I learned those people are more often just scared. Usually due to a deal with a powerful entity or unfinished business they became something they have no experience being. Just imagine not being able to breath. I know it'd freak me out."

"Yeah I guess so."

"Anyways in summary the elements need their opposites to hold there best attributes while diminishing their worst. That's the harmony elements make, any element by itself will show it's worst and best in the same amount. By balancing each other they show their best more than their worst."

"Huh...I never thought about like that."

"Yeah, I didn't either before I went to the academy. Anyways it's time to sleep, good night sis." Stealth elf said getting up to the door and flicking off the light before leaving.

"Wait so which one is the best? Probably life."

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