Records of recording.

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Static lit up the room as its noise surrounded the two Skylanders as a huffing noise started to emulate from it.

"Almost...there." A ruff voice said as the video began to finally play.

In the video, there was Pop fizz, although it was his Monster form as he stepped back and fixed the position of a very much broken and undersized pair of glasses he wore covering his yellow eyes.

"This is Professor...well not really but I like to call myself name is Parpopus fizzeian and I am...well a monster." He said looking to the side a bit before talking again.

"However I believe I can fix see this place..well actually let me show you." He said before moving the camera to a window and showing the landscape of the canopy.

"This Place or this..canopy as people call's a gold mine of alchemical ingredients, the soil can grow more things than I can count. This truly is a great place for one like myself if not for..."

The tape ended, Pop fizz quickly pulling it out and grabbing another.

Again static was on the screen although for much less time as the tape began playing the video as the alchemist appeared looking down at his hands.

"It's been about two months since....the incident..however, it's only gotten worse...sometimes when I sleep my mind is flooded with memories of it, and when I awake I'm only a slight annoyance away happening again."

"I can't let it happen again...there must be a way." He said looking to the sunset through the window as he turned the recorder off.

The tape ended and as before pop fizz replaced it.

"I've...I've done it again. Thankfully I didn't hurt anyone only reminds me of what I'm capable of..I broke down the wall behind me before going on a rampage in the forest for hours before I steadied myself." He said showing the hole which he created with his camera.

Looking behind him Ignitor saw a raver old and collapsing repair sight of this action, the rusty nails a couple of centimeters from falling out and leaving the rotting wood to collapse.

 "I've seemed to have disturbed some kind of flora here which attacked me although it obsessively failed it still showed the danger I yield...but surely..this place has the answer...somewhere."

Again it ended, and again it began.

"I've made great progress! It took weeks of effort and plenty of digging but I've found it! My DNA has trace amounts of gremlin in it. By using a precise formula I can switch the roles of my DNA and turn myself into a gremlin-like creature.  As a consequence of such effort, I won't suffer from the same...episodes."

The professor looked to the roof of the building and smiled, the brightest one he had at this point.

"I've finally found a way."

Putting in the next tape the professor held a dark blue liquid in the face of the camera.

"This is it. My savior, one could say.. it's amazing how the answer to a problem which one would say is on a psychological level could be solved with simple math and science...truly it is marveling. Now... time for the moment of truth." He said before stopping the recording.

Another was put in but the situation was drastically different than the one before. In the video, there was pop fizz, not Parpopus fizzeian but pop fizz who gabbed the camera and brought it close to him.

"Hello! Hello! Um...who are you? Wait! I have to show you something!" He said bringing the camera over the window.

"Look!" He said before dropping the camera out the window and leaving it to shatter as it fell to the ground.

Again the cycle continued.

"Argh..damn these hands..wait..Yes!" Parpopus said as he fixed the camera, the static turning to film.

"Turns out...the potion affected more than my warped my mind...turned me into...well an idiot..he broke half my equipment and I'm only here now because he drank the second bottle of this potion out of curiosity. However, I believe I can find a way to remove this issue..if I can refine the potion to ensure I am in control then it will be fixed...I wonder what I will work on then? I suppose I'll stay here this place is a treasure trove of ingredients...I have been working on a traptanium antidote before, I suppose my work on that can continue."

The film ended, and there were no more left.

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