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The gigantic rumbled as it landing upon the rocky crystal shore of rock-a-way island before the ramp dropped with Ninjini at the back.

"Yeah this seems like his place, he liked rocks."

"That is correct."

After a couple minutes of walking and small talk in the group the wall to their left began to tremble.

Earthquake? Island collision? What could it be.

What could it be other than crusher that is as he smash through the walls with dust flooding the air for the better half of a minute.

"Ninjini! Chop! Drill! Ignition! Prism!" He said in a purposely overly loud voice raising his arms, one with his signature hammer.

"It's good to see you crush." Ninjini said smiling.

"Good to see you too but what's with all these fellas?" He said loaning over everyone whisper elf stepping herself in front of stealth elf to clam her big sisters nerves, somehow.

"Friends and we're here to report the recall initiative has been activated." Chop chop said.

"Ha! Finally! That means ten coins from all the others! I told them that useless thing would change its description soon enough! And just two weeks before the deadline!"

"Knew you'd remember that stupid bet."

"It's only stupid to you cause you lost."

"Well look get your stuff and we can be in our way to collect the debt from everyone else."

"Sure thing, I don't have much just gotta make sure the magma doesn't over flood it's exits on this island."

"By that description that magma is now lava."

"We talked about this drill."Crusher said looking to the arkeyan.

"Well talk about it on the ship, we don't have all the time in the world."

"Yeah yeah." Crusher said to get the handful of items he had

"But it's still magma."

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