Drill-X online.

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The Great Volcano sat calmly in the sky as Troll ships, dozens including the figures flagship and personal ship sat or flew around.

Inside it the troll commander looked over the machine that took months and fortunes to build as the last bolts were put into place.

The figure then walked in the command room, his crystal hand shaking a little.

"Ah you're here." Commander gear turned to look the figure.

"Is it ready?" The figure moved to overlook the machine.

"The last tests have been run and are all green. I had to scream and make a couple threats of execution to speed it up but it's ready. It cost us a lot to make this you know. I've had to send entire divisions to scrounge up scraps of Arkeyan metal just to use on this. I could've made a mighty army in its place."

"You will be repaid in full and more when we win." The figure said.

"Now, start it." The figure commanded.

With a sigh the commander grabbed the controller from his pocket and pressed the big red button on it and the machine began to turn on.

The volcano rumbled as if it would soon erupt as the machine began to rev up and smoke billowing from it's built in smoke stacks as the over ten stories high machine met face to face with the commander and figure.

"Drill-X online, systems just fine. Gears moving forward as I now request from my master orders." The machine said in a rhythmic tone.

"It sings?" The figure said turning to the commander.

"We used spare parts from a karaoke machine for the vocals. Guess it has unknown consequences." Commander gear rubbed his neck.

"It doesn't matter. Drill X, begin digging for traptaium. Don't stop until nothing is left."

"Will start digging now. Drill's going down. I will remove the rocks in the way. Nothing else to say."

Drill-X's mighty drill stabbed into the hot and tough stone as it started up and began to slowly carve a path ty to the pure traptaium inside.

The figure smiled.

One step closer.

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