Catchphrase convention.

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About seven hours after the voyage the bridge only held four skylanders, Chop chop, Ignitor, Drill sergeant and Prism break all looking out the window.

"How do you think it'll go?" Prism break asked to everyone in the room.

"It'll be nice to have them back but it won't be the them from before, they may have different feelings." Chop chop said.

"They'll get along fine enough, they're still friends although we haven't seen them together ever since their separation." Drill sergeant said.

"They'll probably leave when this is over too." Ignitor said

The four skylanders were silent, as if in quite mourning for the teams break up ahead before they turned and left the matter.

"So anyways I think we should all come up with catchphrases." Prism break said to which all the skylanders silently turned.

"Why? That's stupid." Ignitor responded.

"Oh come on it'll be fun we'd be like real heroes ."

"We are real heroes." Chop chop said.

"They why don't we have catchphrases?"

"I hold interest." Drill sergeant said to which ignitor and chop chop looked at him.

"Why do you have interest?" Chop chop asked

"I simply do."

Chop chop was curious of this, drill sergeant always had a reason for something.

"Well alright, let's come up with some catchphrases." Chop cho said looking back to the sky beyond the window.

"What?! Why are you on board all of sudden?!" Ignitor said with his fire glowing just a little red at the edges.

"It could be fun and besides we can stop using them whenever we want."

"Ugh fine, let's get this over with."ignitor said.

The four skylanders were now in their old seats on the gigantic they sat in long long ago as they thought of what a good catchphrase would be.

"Hmmm."prism break said deep in thought.

"How about slice and dice?" Chop chop said

"That's pretty good."  Prism break said

"I'll use that then." Chop chop said now done.

"I chose license to drill." Drill sergeant said

"Why that one? There are a lot of options to pick"Prism break asked.

"Sprocket and I watched a movie with the words 'license to kill' in it and so I wish to make my catchphrase a reference to that."

"Well alright." Prism break said leaning back to stretch.

For a moment Chop chop turned to look at drill but soon enough stopped, his curiosity seemingly satisfied.

"Alright...Ignitor any ideas?" Prism break said turning to his flaming friend.

"Crabs and burn." Ignitor said with half effort.

"Oh come on you can do better than that."

"Well I don't care, heck I'm only doing this because you guys are, if you ask me this is stupid." Ignitor said folding his arms, his fire just a little red at the edges.

"Well at least you have one..that just leaves me." Prism break said before going deep in thought.

For nearly five minutes the Crystal creature kept a pose of deep thought as he debated the issue in his head before widening his eyes in conclusion.

"The beam is supreme!" He exclaimed with a smile.

"That's good." Chop chop said.

"Thank you I came up with it by myself." Prism break joked.

Meanwhile, peaking through the door leading to the bridge, a little elf looked towards the small convention.

"So I need a catchphrase huh?" She said putting a when you her chin.

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