A new suit of armor.

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Sprocket walked through through the door to the bridge. No one else there but her and Drill Sergeant at the command of the ship.

He turned and looked at her.

"Sprocket. Hello." He said.

"How's it going Drill?" She said walking up to him.

"The situation is uneventful, however has improved upon your arrival."

"Well that is nice. How long until we get to the vault?"

"A couple days at this past, it's on a far lower island than Cloudbreak so gravity can be used in our favor."

"Good. So what exactly is in the vault?"

"Anything the Arkeyan empire built, as well as anything it took. As you know I was never there however I have records of it in my memory. Entire wings dedicated to the history, culture, capabilities and other details on the many races of Skylands. If it were not for the death traps, gun batteries and legions of arkeyan warriors it could have been a treasure trove of knowledge."

"Yet it's not."


"So I've been wondering, would the vault contain information about Arkeyanium?"

"Negative. The process was stored in conduit connected foundries to ensure that only the empire had access to it. I do not hold information on the process."

"Bummer...wait so how did you manage to make this ship from Arkeyanium?"

"I reforged it. To create new Arkeyanium is beyond my capabilities but reforging it's while retaining quality is not."

"Oh...that's really cool."

"Thank you. Your compliment is very appreciated given your intelligence."

"Thank you."

After a bit of silence Sprocket spoke again.

"Do you think...you could show me?"

Drill sergeant turned and looked at her a moment.

"Most certainly. Come with me!" He said before moving to the door, slightly faster than he normally would.

Following him, Sprocket was led to Drill Sergeants quarters. A red and yellow style door leading into a room full of machinery, storage compartments and other equipment designed to assist his research and such.

Inside the room Sprocket looked around inspecting different sections while Drill Sergeant moved to forge and activated it, drawing Sprockets attention.

"The true secret in reforging Arkeyanium is extreme and rapid changes of temperature combined with repeated breaking it gradually into a shape. Rather than turning one shape into another, it must be slow and carful."

"Got it, so which comes first, heat or cold?" Sprocket said walking up to him."

"Cold. Negative eighty degrees. Then it must be broken and squished into the wanted shape."

Drill Sergeant pressed a button on the forges console and a section of the wall opened with a metal frame pinching a large and thick piece of Arkeyanium coming out and being set on the forge.

As case then enclosed it and a screen on the top of the forge that read forty began to decrease rapidly to negative eighty.

As they waited for it to freeze, Sprocket spoke.

"So Drill...why are you a Skylander?"

"To ensure the prosperity of Skylands."

"But why?"

Drill Sergeant drew silent.

"I don't see another purpose to execute."

"Well have you ever considered stopping?"


"Do you...think you could."

Drill drew silent again.

"Maybe one day."


"What is it that gives you cause for becoming and remaining a Skylander?"

"Oh well, when growing up my family was rich from mining and refining metals and the like. However while the rest of my siblings were learning about fancy talk and the like I spent my time with my uncle. Working with gears and cogs and learning other ways of engineer. For every memory of my other family members I have tens of memories with him."

The temperature of the forge reached the designated amount and the audio of a large crack could be heard. Then a additional one, pressing the metal back together and the temperature of the forge began to rise rapidly.

"Are you close with your family members?"

"No. I just never got along with them. I...you know it's sad but I don't remember over half their name I..wish I did but I didn't and..."

"Can you not ask for their names?"

"Well yes but...we don't talk anymore."

"Can this not be changed?"

"No. It's just....it feels like it wouldn't be right."


"It's too...I...we just never talked much...it just feels like it would be awkward and pointless, the only time we ever spent quality time together was at my parents funeral and my...my uncles."

"You have my condolences."

After a repeat of the forge going from cold to hot and breaking the metal again and again until the forge opened and the once rectangular shape was now a circle yet seemed to be of the same quality.

"And that is the process."

"Cool..hey do you think I could make some gear from this? If that's cool with you."

"Affirmative, most certainly. May I assist you in such a act?"

"Sure. Let's get to it."

The pair began to forge Sprockets new equipment. The metal breaking and being out back together again and again as they past the time through small talk or other methods, making each plate to the exact measurements as well as making additions with Drill Sergeants recommendations. Adding a blaster into her left wrist piece and replacing her green goggles to a more durable black glass.

Finally they were done, the armor holding the Arkeyan colors of blue and gold which was Sprockets choice.

Looking over the new gear she smiled, it was proper quality and it felt good to make it alongside him.

After putting it on the two returned to the bridge and continued talking, with her new suit of armor.

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