Brimstone bot.

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The robot caused the earth around them to shake. Each deafening sound from its pistons as it fully climbed out of the hole. It was here now.

The Skylanders readied their weapons, both sides staring at each other until this robot spoke.

"It's the end of the track Skylanders! This drill-bot is on the scene!" It sung

"Why is it singing?" Eruptor asked.

"I'll knock you forward and back with a robo attack 'cause you're messing with the wrong machine!"

With his intent clear he swung up his now revved-up drill, bringing it down onto the group that just barely got out of the way.

"What's the plan chop?" Ignitor asked.

"The same as the last time we fought a giant robot. Hit him from multiple sides in whatever looks like a weak spot."

"Gotcha!" Ignitor said jumping away with the use of his fire.

"Drobot! Spyro! Form up on me!" Cynder said flying towards the robot.

Quickly her comrades joined her, one on each side as they began to rise above the robot before beginning to dive down.

"Attention: I have a visual on a possible vulnerable area within the neck region," Drobot said.

"Yeah me too. Let's take this bucket of bolts down!" Spyro said.

The squadron centered themselves towards the neck where something of an exposed point was present. As they got close however several batteries of laser guns appeared on the robot's top and fired at the group.

Quickly they were forced to retreat and capitalizing on the moment Drill-x dug his massive drill arm into the rock to his side and sent an avalanche of volcanic stones onto the flying Skylanders.

Now scattered the dragons tried to avoid or blast the incoming stones yet soon Drobot was struck to the ground by one of the rocks.

"Dro!" Spyro said before another rock hit him to the ground.

Back on the ground, the Skylanders tried to approach the robot from any angle yet all it took was a turn and bringing down his weapon to force them back. Combined with massive suppressing fire all of the heroes were kept at bay.

Taking cover behind a massive metal create, Chop Chop, Eruptor, Drill Sergeant and Prism Break reviewed the situation.

"Drill-X's outer plate is made up of reforged Arkeyanium. We cannot destroy those turrets so our projectiles cannot disable him from afar." Drill Sergeant said.

" do you know its name?"

"It is painted on its chest."

"Oh...wait a minute

"Calculating. It will most likely melt."

"That wasn't exactly what I was asking but thanks."

"Alright then. Eruptor, wait for an opening to hit those turrets. Drill Sergeant and Prism Break will draw its attention while I provide protection."

Proceeding with the plan Chop Chop, Drill Sergeant, and Prism Break moved out of cover, Chop Chop's shield guarding them from the laser blasts while Drill Sergeant and Prism Break opened fire, to very little effect.

Running up a pile of rubble and rocks Eruptor found it too small to get the right arch, looking down to an even smaller pile below he got an idea and used a lava slide to get down a high speed before rising up from the ramp and firing lava at the robot, just enough managed to hit to disable the guns as they melted through the steel and Eruptor finally fell to the ground.

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