A Call.

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Stealth elf fell onto her bed before taking off her black mask and hood, and sighing, it had been a long day.

Blinking slower and slower she felt the drift of sleep come close and begin taking her away until a loud ring stopped such progress.

Reaching into her pocket she pulled out her ringing phone which held the name ninjini.

"Oh yeah." She said before answering the call.

"Hey." The giant said


"So how was your day?"

"It was good, we've captured lord blade and are going to take on Baron von Shellshock."

"Oh cool, we're transporting the hostages back to their homes right now and then we'll head back to the academy. You know it does feel like the situation is getting better."

"Yeah it kinda does, one win at a time."

"Mhm, hey where did you get those new black robes?"

"Oh my master gave it to me a couple months ago."

"Well it looks really nice on you."

"Thanks, ya know I have a question but..well I don't know if you'll be comfortable with it."

"Nah I trust you and if it's too much I'll say it is, shoot."

"Okay...why did you turn to alcoholism?"


"I'm sorry never mind."

"No it's fine it's just, didn't expect it. Well it was stress really. Back then there were less than fifty skylanders. We were always sent on one mission or another, constantly and if we stopped people would...get hurt so we couldn't. I tried to find other things, other hobbies. I...I should have been stronger."

"Hey you were strong and you still are. You don't deserve to be called weak about this."

"Yeah I do, it's...I failed my team, I couldn't handle the pressure. I even started sneaking drinks when on missions."

"That doesn't make you weak. You tried your best and that's worth saying. When did they find out?"

"I was drunk on a stealth mission and showed it. I passed out and the team had to save me. I felt pathetic."

"You aren't pathetic, the only person saying that is you."

"Yeah but it's true. I screwed over everyone. Because I wasn't strong enough."

"It's only true to you, ask anyone else, trerex or chop chop they will say what you are. A person who is strong but wasn't invincible. And that doesn't make you weak."

"Alright..alright I'll...I'll remind myself just...I don't wanna talk about this anymore."

"Fair enough."

"How's your sister?"

"Oh she's good, helped me take down blade, I actually put her to sleep a little while ago. It was pretty difficult."

"Why did you give her soda or coffee?"

"No only a sixth cup of apple juice...that's all it takes for her."

"Were you like that?"

"No not at all honestly. She's just very easy to get excited."

"Sounds fun but tiring."

"It is."

"Well I hope it doesn't break you. I'm gonna go to bed now, stay safe."

"You too, good night."


Stealth elf put her phone in her charger before laying in bed and pulling the cover before joking to herself.

"I hope it doesn't break me."

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