The decent.

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The staircase downwards seemed endless for a good while, the lights above not activating quick enough for them to see the end.

As they went downstairs Ignitor found his pace equal to that of Hex, with a continuing boredom and encouragement of past curiosities he spoke.

"So why are you a witch?" He asked coldly.

"Oh..uh like do you mean what made me one or why or when or-

"Why are you a witch hex."

"Well why do you want to know?"

"I told you my origin." He said somewhat quietly. "Now I'm curious as to yours."

"Well I...I was part of this convent or undead monastery you see. I never knew my parts I was raised by my community. I was quite gifted, destined to be a great and wise elder, according to my teachers at least. I didn't have a lot or or actually any real friends but I never felt alone. Until they all got uh, well..."

"You don't see them anymore?" Ignitor said.

"We-no...a dragon attacked and for all my apparent talent, destiny and peoples certainty in my skills...I couldn't help them."

"What happened next?"

"Well that dragon was from the underworld. It was capable of phasing through the realms and attack without warning and run away whenever it wanted. It took me a long time to figure out how to replicate and counter the spell. After I did I immediately sent myself to the underworld to face it."

"Did you win?"

"Well, yeah. It's a blur, flashes of colors and figures, noises of spells I cannot understand. Yet I won and after that I found that while I knew how to go to the underworld, I didn't know how to leave."

"How long were you trapped there?"

"I don't know. The underworld isn't Skylands. Time doesn't work there. Being there made me feel like I wasn't anywhere. That parts a blur too. I'm glad I'm out."

"Me too."

Hex looked at him for a moment before looking back downstairs.

"Also that makes us both dragon slayers. Why didn't you mention that before? I would've...liked you more."

"Well I didn't think that part of ourselves was relevant."

"It is to me."

Holding the hand of her sister Whisper elf marveled at the stonework around her, the constant smooth texture combined with its pure scale was rather impressive, at least to her.

Thinking back to her previous question she spoke.

"Why was the Arkeyan empire genocidal?" She asked openly.

"Because people didn't want to submit to them." Her sister said.

"What kind of submitting did they want?"

"The empire wanted everyone in Skylands to follow their commands, organize to their standards and make at times incomprehensible changes to their government, society, economies, and culture." Chop chop said.

"Why did they want everyone to do that?"

"Because they wanted to control the world and turn it into a massive war machine." Stealth Elf said.

"But why?"

"The empire thought it was best." Chop chop said.

"Did we submit?" Whisper elf asked Stealth elf.


"So then what happened?"

"Didn't mom teach you about this?"

"No. She just focused on math and language."

"Weird. Well...we and the empire went to war. It didn't go well and now us forest elves stay on one island."

"Oh...maybe that's why she didn't teach me."


"Did you kill any forest elves chop chop?"

"Yes but not in that campaign."

Stealth elf tightened her freehand.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2023 ⏰

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