A new day

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Stealth elf lifted herself up from the bed, her hair loose and messy as she yawned and then moved into her bathroom and after taking a quick shower and braiding her hair walked out to the sight of a still sleeping whisper elf.

Walking over stealth elf quietly kneed down tot he side of the bed and began nudging her awake.

"Hey...hey...wake up sis..it's morning" she said to a every increasing awake whisper elf

"Eeeemmm nooooo I'm gonna sleep all day..I wanna sleep all day" whisper elf said rolling over

"Alright I guess it is early but in two hours you're getting up okay?" Stealth elf said looking tot he clock that said 8:30


Getting up and leaving the room stealth walked quickly to the kitchen seeing only sprocket there quietly sipping coffee.

"Hey" she said still a little tired

"Good morning" stealth elf said stretching her arms a little before sitting down

"So we're gonna be reaching the ashy mists soon...you know I never met the swap force..I can't even imagine seeing two people change their bottom and top halves"

"Yeah well good thing they're all girls huh?" Stealth elf joked to which sprocket chuckled a little

"So how's your sister? You know I'm surprised you never mentioned her before"

"Well you never asked about her, but she's good, oh last night while the storm was raging she actually got scared by the lightning and came to my room"

"Oh my gosh that must have been so cute"

"It was but don't tell her I told she's probably embarrassed by it"

As the morning went by more skylanders awoke with them spreading across the ship until drill sergeants voice was heard on the intercom

"Attention,all skylanders return to the haul and report to the bridge"

Once all the skylanders arrived, including whisper elf who just woke up drill turned around once again from his station

"So whats up drill? I was about to go outside and stretch my wings" Spyro said a little annoyed at having to be cooped up in the ship

"Apologizes. I requested everyone's presence because the vessel will soon enter the Ashy Mists which holds a massive amount of danger to organic life"

"Oh..well when are we going to enter?"

"In three seconds"

As this happened the ship slowly approached a massive storm of ash clouds that made up the Ashy Mists with the back and smoke engulfing the vehicle in its seemingly endless void with rocks and pebbles dining off the front window causing most of the team to fell a slight edge of unease.

"Why would the swap force, or anyone want to be here?" Pop fizz asked looking out the window to the promptly named Ashy Mists

"They're here, or at least supposed to be here to guard the magic volcano near the cloud break isles it has some mystical energy and there are even some theories that the traptaium around skylands come from it's ancient eruptions so they gotta make sure no one gets their hands on it"

"Why are they called the swap force?" Whisper elf asked as she couldn't quite put it together herself

"Oh well you see sis the swap forces members can trade their bottom halves for each other and can use their interchangeable abilities to fight evil" stealth elf said leaning over a little

"How did they learn to do that?"

"Apparently while they were facing some evil a power surge gave them their power"

"Well there is more to it than that" prism break said turning in his chair

"You see about thirty years ago the swap forces members were taking care of a scientist who sought to use the two powers of stasis and change to conquer skylands"

"What?" Whisper elf said unfamiliar with what prism break said

"You see skylands is made up of three different things, the eight elements, the power of light and dark and the energy of stasis and change all of which allow our reality to exist, and when the skylanders defeated the scientist he attempted to blow up his lab to kill them but it only killed him and released the energy of stasis and change directly into the skylanders being which allows them to swap"

"Ohh...that's really weird"

"Yeah I remember when they came back to the academy they had no control over their power they just kept swapping whenever near each other"prism break said chuckling a little at the end

"Wait so how do their-"

A large explosion noise rang out through the ship followed immediately with harsh vibrations

Drill sergeant turned around in less than a second and looked over the panels in front him

"It's the interchangeable"

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