A nightmares regret

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Jet-vac looked through the periscope of his ship, the hawks call, patrolling for suspected troll ships and convoys.

The Hawks call was a powerful ship, equipped with front and back single eight inch gun turrets with a single but powerful engine.

Yet there was no sign of the enemy, just islands, clouds and sky.

Stroking some of his feathers Jet-vac began to review his last steps, he was told that in this specific sector there was troll activity yet nothing was found.

However such curiosity and questions were not what he was here for and with resolve he continued his search although still with doubts.

These doubts continued until finally a conclusion presented itself in the form of a small troll patrol ship.

"Aha! Ready the cannons and target the engines! Have the men prepare to board!"

Upon the orders the small crew began to attack, their powerful cannons blasting through the shields and busting the engines into bits before it began bordering jet-vac leading his troopers.

Yet when they landed on the ship there was not a soul of a troll, no signs of anyone on board.

For a second Jet-vac looked around puzzled before he moved to the bridge, his troopers right behind him.

Upon opening in and still expecting a fight the hawk was left puzzled once again as there was no one there to defend or operate the ship.

"Alright, pull back to the ship and start shelling this, we'll report this to the fleet." Jet-vac said walking back.

After a quick headcount and walk to the bridge Jet-vac gave the orders.

"Start a transmission to the fleet, we have something interesting to report."

"Yes sir."

As the communications officer began his task Jet-vac gazed at the bombardment of the troll ship, still trying to get a grasp on the situation as the enemy ship turned to metal splinters.

"Sir, I can't get through, the comms are jammed."

Hearing this Jet-vacs face turned to one of fear, wondering what was happening and paranoid of what it could be turned to the pilot of the ship.

"To the fleet! Full speed! All power to engines! Give it everything we can!" He said as the Pilot did such with more than a couple drops of sweat on him.

The Hawks call rushed through the sky, faster and faster as Jet-vac hopped he'd be in time to stop whatever tragedy that could come until they finally arrived.

Yet there was no fleet, only pieces of floating rumble and fire, scattered across the sky in front of him.


The walls turned as black as charred wood as they began to crumble and close in on Jet-vac and when he turned his crew was gone.

With no words or thoughts the Hawk simple looked around at crumbling ship as it consumed him.

With a gasp Jet-vac awoke, sweat cold and heavy upon him as he sighed, it was just a dream.

Yet with these dreams came a single sentence.

"I'm sorry."

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