Signal lost

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"What do you mean it's not working?!"
"I mean that it's not working"
"The wiring seems to have be disintegrated by the portal"
"Can you fix it?"
"It would be easier to make a new one everything is fired and besides I'm a warrior unit I have no idea how to fix it"
"Oh great" ninjin said aggravated by the situation
"And just how are we supposed to tell everyone else to use the portal, they probably think I'm dead already!"
The warrior unit began remembering all he could when he was stationed here he saw the blueprints of the base they were in and if they hadn't changed anything which they likely didn't...
"The commutation system has access to all arkeyan bases including the citadel we came from"
"And the commutation system is?"
The warrior unit looked around seeing where he was
"This way" he pointed walking towards the direction
"Alright" ninjini said sighing "let's go"

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