Can I?

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Stealth elf walked through the halls balancing a knifes edge on her index finger after putting whisper to bed before realizing her current position.

Right next to Ninjinis room.

Wondering and contemplating and standing she eventually decided to enter, putting her hand on the lower, smaller knob and opening the door after checking if it was locked.

Ninjini laid in bed with her hands under her head before she turned her head to look on her unknown guest and saw the person.

"Hey, um why are you here?"

"Well I figured I was in the hallway so why not see what's up? It's been a while since we talked."

"It has, so how have you been?" Ninjini asked getting up.

"I've been good, saved the world with my friends, how about you?" Stealth elf said leaving the doorway and walking closer.

Ninjini breathed in deeply and silently into her nose before speaking.

"Since we met I've been good, confidence in myself and have been training as a hobby but...not now."

Stealth elf popped to Ninjinis side and sat next to her with a concern look.

"It's nothing major it's just...Eons's been so long since I even saw him and...I didn't think it was gonna happen I thought he was too smart, too willing to do what it took to save skylands too...I didn't think he'd go."

Stealth elf put her hand on Ninjinis.

"It was hard...he sacrificed himself to save the core, he was brave and we learned some bad things about him but...he...went as he lived."

"As a good guy."

" a good guy."

"You know I'm still not sure I can do this."

"You can."

"I don't know that, those doom whatevers didn't take out the trap team or swap force, they didn't activate the recall initiative that's...that was a absolute last resort that's something every skylander swears their souls to follow it if it came and...and it did. Now I have to do this and I don't know if I can, the last time I faced a threat like this was the Arkeyans and no matter how much will power or training I do I know and I mean I know I will not be like the person I was then. I can't be that person anymore."

"Why? Because of time? Because years have passed? Has your name changed? Has your hand that wields your swords changed? Has your being? No just your mind. You can change that back."


"By proving you are that same person. By believing you are and proving that belief."

"And if that doesn't work?"

"We'll find out but that's not a good enough excuse to stop you and you know it."

"'re right...only I...only I can see if I can do it."

"Yeah and you can do it! Come on say it with me! You can do it!"

"I can do it!"

"You can do it!"

"I can do it!"

"You can do it!"


"Can you quiet down?!" Voice form the door said, whisper elf peaking her head through the open door.

"Some of us need their daily recommended amount of sleep."

"Oh yeah that's right sorry...I'll quiet down."

"Good now goodnight." She said before leaving.

"You can do it."

"I can do it."

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