The next move.

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After the Skylanders cleaned themselves and spent some time recreationally they returned to the bridge, the ship now leaving the cloud break area, the troll fleet retreating as expected.

In their respective seats with Whisper Elf sitting in Stealth Elf's lap, Sprocket spoke first.

"So we know they're getting Traptanium and Arkeyanium."

"Yes but only now. It's clear they've been using Traptanium to capture and use Skylanders but from where? The Blue Tipped Mountains have a large deposit of it but are we to believe they managed to get the Traptanium without Slam Bams team noticing?" Jet-Vac said.

"And even then, the Blue tipped Mountains have only water Traptanium. To capture Boomer, Dino-Rang, and everyone else that isn't of the water element they'll need more than that." Prism Break said.

"So where are they getting it?" Spyro asked.

"To my perception that is irrelevant. Their attempts to acquire additional Traptanium seem to convey that they need more. Or at least plan to expand their operations." Drobot said.

"He's right, and we don't even know how much pure Traptanium they found." Chop Chop said.

"What's so different about pure Traptanium?" Pop Fizz asked.

"Well, I suppose it's just more powerful and lacks the elemental limits of regular Traptanium." Prism Break explained.

"Either way they're planning something. What about the Arkeyanium? Where'd they get all of that?" Sprocket said.

"Maybe some old Arkeyan foundry?" Eruptor said.

"Negative. All production sites of alloy four nine nine were connected by a conduit to the iron first. After it was disabled they all collapsed into the skies."  Drill Sergeant said.

"Alloy four nine nine?" Cynder asked

"That's what the empire called it." Chop chop said.

"Not too creative." Eruptor commented.

"Well, neither is Arkeyanium really," Ignitor added.

"So they're using Arkeyanium to make weapons and to get Traptanium to make weapons. So how do we stop it?" Hex asked.

"We could start with that robot's drill. That was not only Arkeyan in material but design. It's just a larger version of Drill Sergeants, so where did they get that?" Sprocket said.

"Could it be from an old Arkeyan mine? Or are those part of that conduit thingy?" Spyro asked.

"Those were connected via conduit as well. But now that I recall it is identical in design to the massive mining drills the empire used, however incredibly less in quality." Chop Chop said.

"But where could they get the design then?"

"The Secret Vault of Secrets." Drill Sergeant.

"The what?" Pop Fizz said.

"The Secret Vault of Secrets. It was or I suppose is one of the most important locations that wasn't connected via conduit. It holds just about all informaion on the empire as well as other groups of people it conquered. If any place were to hold the desgins it would be that, and if they managed to get the design for the drill they could have gotten who knows what." Chop Chop said.

"So we go there next?" Jet-Vac asked.

"Affirmative." Chop Chop got up from his chair before speaking again.

"Drill, plot course for the vault. Everyone is dismissed, it will take a while for us to get there."

Most of the Skylanders left after a bit, with the exception of Drill Sergeant, Chop Chop, and Sprocket.

"Have you two ever been to the vault?" Sprocket asked.

"No I have not." Drill Sergeant said.

"I have once, escorting Yeti artifacts."

"Yeti artifacts?"

"Yeti artifacts."

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