Moving towards the signal

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As they began to walk towards the communication network ninjini, borad our of her mind started to strike up a conversation

"So I'm curious" ninjini said

"Why did you want to betray the arkeyan empire?"

"Well I guess that's because.....I don't know. I guess I just thought that it was kinda bad I guess it didn't really make anyone happier or better and all it really did was just exist and to be honest hurt people and after I realized that at first I tried to ignore it but the thing about your eyes being opened for the first time is that you can't really have them closed like before."

"And you just decided 'I'm done?'"

"Yeah I told the worker unit how I felt and we just decided to leave the working unit actually used the communication network to make contact with eon sending a signal undetected, honestly I doubt I'd be here if it weren't for him."

Ninjini was taken back by the information he was a robot the entire thing about robots is that they can't disobey but this one did and there wasn't even really a reason for it he just did.

"Well now it's my turn for a question"

"Why'd you become a Skylander?"

"Well..." ninjini said remembering her past

"A long time ago I was just a genie in a lamp waiting for someone to rub it and grant there three wish's and leave me behind but then a mage came across my lamp and using some magic made my wish's unlimited"

"And he abused his power?"

"Doesn't everyone." Ninjini sighed remembering the countless wish's she granted that evil mage

"But eventually I got tired of it and focusing all my will power I broke the curse and kicked his butt so hard he's probably still feeling it today"

The warrior unit let out a small laugh at the statement before a thought came to him

'Why did I just laugh? I never did that before and the joke wasn't even that funny' the warrior units thought was caught off by the giant continuing her story

"After I did that well you arkeyans weredoing the whole oppression thing and I wanted to do something about it so I joined up with the skyalnders and here I am"

"Well your turn again"

"What are you going to do when we win and you can do what you want"

"Well.....I guess I'll.....I got no idea"

"You don't think things through do you?"

"No not really"

"Well you don't really need to think your whole life through just don't wing it when the time comes"

"I guess I just don't really know what to do"

"Yeah I've been there, granting wish's to people was my purpose in life and before I found the skyalnders I just wandered and wondered what to do. The thing about a blank canvas is that you have no idea what to paint"

"Hmm I guess so"

Finally after walking the oddly empty hallway they finally met the door towards the communication center

"Oh and one more thing the communication center is guarded by a Titan me and the worker unit managed to send the signal before our betrayal was find out This time though I can't pull that trick"

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