I know.

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Ninjni looked at Crusher. Her eyes spelled several emotions. Embarrassment, jealousy, sadness. It all showed in her dead glare to crusher her ho for a moment was taken back by it.

"I know." Ninjni got up "Do you think I'm blind? You think I don't know how terrible I am?!" She said pushing back her "weaker" emotions to show her anger at Crusher.

"Ninjni I-

"I know I'm not who I was okay?! I know that the Skylander...the person I was wasn't like this. I know I was stronger. Hell even when I could barely float straight and speak coherently I was better than this."

"No! Ninjn-

"It's true! Even back then I was better than now and I...I can't."

Ninjni fell onto what could be referred to as her knees. Done talking and sitting in a pool of the emotions she flared at Crusher with, only shaking her head lightly with her eyes closed.

Crusher got down onto his own knee looking at Ninjni.

"I shouldn't have even came back...and you know the worst part is I honestly thought I could be who I was again...I can't." She said with her eyes closed.

"I'll never be good enou-

Crusher hugged Ninjni.

Stunned for a moment by this act Ninjni stopped herself from speaking until she sighed again.

"I just..." she couldn't bring the words.

"Ninjni." Crusher said in a stern but warm voice.

"You can do it." Crusher brought himself back to look at Ninjni.

"You can. I only say these things because I believe you can and I wanted to help. I'm so sorry, if I knew you were feeling this way I wouldn't have said those things."

"It's not your fault Crusher...I...I should've.."

"No. I should've known. I should've known you could react this way. Look, you're not on this team because you were great. You're on this team because you are great."

Ninjni looked into Crushers eyes before closing them again.

"Alright. I'm not sad anymore." She said getting up.

"Ninjni don't-

"We have a mission Crusher. We can talk about this after." She said going to the hole that lead to the top before turning around.

"But...thank you...I really needed that."

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