Castles fall.

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The Gigantic began a strap and harsh decline in altitude. It's engines putting off more power with every inch it got close for the castle.

Now on complete alert, the cyclops began firing their crystal cannons as fast and accurately as possible. Beams of slight stratified though the sky as it dinged and deflected off the Gigantics armor.

"Seems like they're shooting us." Bouncer said. "Care to reply guys?"

"In a sec B. It takes a while to get used to these things after so long." Thump back said, taking his time with lining up his guns.

"Maybe for you Thump but I already took out two of there towers." Hothead said firing down on the enemy castle.

"Since when was it a contest?"

"It's always a contest."

"Alright fine." Thump back said before he began to bombard the Cyclops position as well.

The batteries and battlements of the fortress were turned to pebbles and rubble as the dual cannons of the gigantic blasted into it all while Ninjni and Crusher rushed over to the meeting point.

Now right next to the island the Bouncer pulled over as close as he could before calling on the intercom.

"Setting up autopilot now. Everyone get on that island and back them up!"

With this the giants one by one leaped out of their vessel and stormed the island. Their overwhelming power completely outmatching the uncoordinated defense of the Cyclopes.

In the center the fort a Cyclops in bronze armor rushed to balcony to see the source of commotion and finding the Giants tearing through his force.

"Skylanders!" He shouted. "Bring out the mammoths!" He said running back into his castle franticly.

The doors of the fortress swung open as teams of dozens of Cyclopes pulled out chained Cyclops like creatures walking on all through sand unleashing tremendous roars by the second before finally being anchored down and after the teams retreated into the castle they broke out of their containment and rushed towards the Giants.

The hoard of over a dozen mammoths rushed over and shattered the Giants formations as they leaped and grabbed at the group causing a great brawl in the castles courtyard.

Seeing their progress halted and knowing time was of the essence Trerex stared to give orders.

"Ninjni! Bouncer! Secure the communications room before e they can wipe anything! We'll take care of these guys!"

"You got it Rex!" Bouncer said before leaping over a mammoth and rushing to the entrance to the inner castle with Ninjni following behind.

In the keep the two rushed throw the halls, ducking under doorways and past the little amount of resistance the garrison could muster.

After a couple minutes of wondering around and interrogating for directions the giants finally made it to the comms room.

"Alright, everything seems safe enough." Bouncer said approaching the communication device. "Watch my back will ya?"

"Sure thing Bounce." Ninjni said looking around for any potential threats.

Just then several Cyclopes bursted in through the doors leading into the room, their captain right behind them with his own bronze battle axe.

"Surrender Skylanders! You're on private property and we have the right to remove you from the area."

"Your evil doing makes plenty of probable cause Big eye!" Ninjni said.

"Big eye?! I'm really insecure about that! Now you'll pay! Attack!"

The group of Cyclopes charged and jumped at Ninjni with their battle axes as the leader kept back to avoid combat all while his own forces were knocked down and knocked out with ease.

Yet this was just a rouse as above a huge crystal cannon was charging up to the point it seemed like a second sun right before it fired down onto Bouncers position.

Thinking quickly and acting quicker, Ninjni flew informer of beam and crossed her swords before it.

The charge of green and yellow light bounced off the blades as it was sent right between the legs of the leading Cyclops, sending him into the celling where he fell down and was knocked out.

With no resistance left and Bouncer getting back to downloading the data as Ninjni smiled.

She did good.

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