Enacting the initiative.

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Once again the Arkuses bane docked in the now overwhelmed academy.

As the group left other skylanders rushed by to their own ships or moved to the inner academy to report, it was easier to find a actual skylander than a student, stealth elf grabbed whisper elf's hand to make sure she wouldn't get separated in the confusion, no one dared to stand still.

Finally reaching the central academy the group saw Kassandra speaking with king pen before being noticed.

"I'm glad you're here...are they lost?" She said expecting the worst.

"I'm afraid so" jetvac said

Kassandra looked to the ground with a tightened fist before looking up.

"I hoped I wouldn't have to do this...I'm enacting the reserve initiative."

"The what?" Eruptor said with others sharing his curiosity.

"The reserve initiative." King pen said stepping forward

"It is a initiative to which any retired skylanders capable of fighting must rejoin the force to fight whatever evils we can not face by ourselves."

"It's never be enacted before." Chop chop said blankly although a little bit of shame could be felt.

"I didn't make this choice easily." Kassandra said walking away a little before turning again.

"You must find the giants and bring them back to the academy...we'll need their help to fight whoever we're up against."

"We're on it." Hex said with a smile.

"Before you go I just want to say I appreciate your efforts here and I apologize for you needing to be constantly deployed, drow and cyclopes have began robbing and raiding villages, ambushing trade ships, and causing chaos across skylands and we can't spare anyone else at the moment."

"We understand." Prism break said.

"Alright then, take the gigantic and get the giants, here's a list of their locations." Kassandra said handing chop chop a small list.

"Alright, let's move it people." Jet vac said ready to get to work and leaving the room to which the rest followed.

"What's the gigantic?" Whisper elf asked her hand still being held by her big sister.

"Oh it's the giants ship, back when they were skylanders it's rather...gigantic." Prism break explained.

After the skylanders took off Kassandra looked down in thought which was noticed by king pen.

"It's kaos isn't it?"

"Well...yes..I just...I don't know where he is and that..scares me."

"Your son is fine...he's evil but..he's strong...in his own way."

"I know...but it doesn't stop me from worrying."

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