Ride to the Volcano.

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The windows of the ship were bombarded with ash and small rocks clicking against the glass at times a second or at times several a minute as Drill sergeant navigated through the haze.

Meanwhile, a ways back in the bridge Chop Chop was reviewing the plan with the rest of the team.

"Alright." Chop Chop looked around at the group in front of him.

"In the unlikely situation that one of you was deaf for the entirety of my briefing, I will repeat myself. We do not the disposition or strength of enemy forces however considering the value of the mining operation here there is likely a heavy enemy presence around the volcano. The plan is to land at the top of the Volcano and deliver a decisive blow to the enemy forces inside and destroy all mining equipment, seize all the traptanium and gain as much intelligence on the activities the enemy is doing or planning. Then we will leave and let the local forces handle what remains. Any questions?" Everyone nodded along or looked away in boredom.

"How long until we make it past this ash cloud?" Eruptor said to Drill Sergeant.

"Five." The arkeyan answered back.

"Like minutes or..?"



"Three, two, one."

As the vessel finally left the ash cloud the sky in front of them was filled with troll warships of various sizes the grey and brown ash bounced across them still obscuring vision to a considerable degree.

"It wasn't like this since we were last here. I think." Pop fizz said.

"Affirmative." Drobot stepped next to the gremlin at the side window.

"The combination of industrial waste along with the volcano being mined into is causing massive amounts of smoke to emerge. Should this persist the result is likely the death or displacement of forty thousand people."

"Don't forget the plant life!" Whisper elf said in shock at the transgression.

Whisper elf disappeared and reappeared with a potted plant.

"Look at this cute little guy. Would you say his life is less important than anyone else?"


"What?! You're soooo evil!" Whisper turned her back on the cyborg.

"He's not evil sis." Stealth elf said.

"What do you mean!? Plant life is equal to that of other beings!"

"That's what we believe. Don't push your morals onto other people."

"But my morals are the right one!"

"Okay let's just talk about this later."


Shifting through the haze of ash the Arkus's Bane slowly made it over the top of the volcano before slowly gliding downwards in a spiral manner.

"Okay, times up. Everyone get ready to deploy and move out. Jet-vac I want you, Drobot, Spyro, and Cynder to take out any defensive emplacements when we land and be on the lookout while we sabotage the factory below while Stealth elf takes out their comms."  Chop Chop said holstering his blade and shield on his back.

"How do you suppose we sabotage it?" Sprocket asked.

"Find and disable any shielding that it could have before whacking whatever looks important and then bombard it for a bit after we secure the traptanium."

"Makes sense."

"Alright let's do it!" Whisper elf exclaimed in excitement.

"You're staying here." Stealth elf said.

"Oh come on! I never get to go on any missions anymore!"

"You're lucky to get to go on any at all." Stealth elf became .

"Pleaseeee? How about I just help you with the communcation station? Please?"

Stealth elf rought a hand to her head and sighed, she had given in.

"Okay. But JUST the comms. After that you're staying put okay?"


"Alright." Chop Chop looked towards the rapidly approaching volcano.

"Here we go."

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