Blades clashing

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Chop chop entered the arena and looked at his elven appointment in front of him as she was twirling her dual blades on a show of her skill before saying her own catchphrase

"Silent but deadly"

"Alright folks match point starting in 3,2,1 GO!"

Stealth elf started the fight by immediately teleporting behind chop chop blades ready to take down the arkeyan but chop chop quickly turned around shield blocking stealth elf's knives and locking the attack

"Really?" Chop chop said

"Did you honestly think that would do it?"

"Maybe not but this might" she said teleporting once again

Stealth elf began teleporting rapidly sometimes close to chop chop other times far away before teleporting to cho chops side and kicking him in the head knocking him back but also injuring her own foot a little but that wouldn't stop as he relentlessly sliced at chop chop who was parrying and blocking her attacks as fast as he could before bashing her back with his shield

"Not bad" chop chop said readying his weapon

"Let's see how you deal with with this" he said stabbing the ground summoning bone spikes straight towards stealth elf who teleported out of the way

"Huh, I guess you could deal with it" chop chop said

Stealth elf and chop chop kept clashing with blades with chop chops strength keeping stealth elf from dealing a significant blow and stealth elf's speed allowing her to avoid chop chops attacks

Frustrated with the stalemates stealth back flipped away putting space between her and her opponent and redressed the situation in her mind

'Can't sneak up on him there's no distractions or anything to keep his focus off me.....can't rush ahead would just do nothing...hmmm maybe?' She finished thinking up her strategy and began putting it to work

Stealth elf began once again teleporting rapidly before sliding towards chop chop griping his legs in a scissor maneuver and attempted to win the battle but chop chop threw his shield directly into stealth elf's shin causing her to stop her attack in pain

Picking his shield back up chop chop put it on his back and summoned his second blade ready to finally end this

Both skylanders just walked in a circle around each other from each other both preferring to react then act this glorified staring contest stoped when stealth elf teleported right in front of chop chop about to stab him in the chest but was countered with his own blades locking the two skylanders face to face

"I'll admit, your not bad" chop chop said as 5 bone spikes appeared behind stealth elf stabbing her in the back

"But I'm better"

"And chop chop wins!" Terrafin said

"Guess that mean you own me five dollars!"

The crowd cheered at the spectacle although some were disappointed with the lost of who they thought would win

"I had 10 coins on stealth elf" sprocket said head resting on her hand

"I guess skull was right"hex said shrugging honestly wishing he wasn't

"Yeah now pay up" skull said wanting his money

Stealth elf walked out of portal and sat on the bench taking off her mask and frowning with ears dropping down and eruptor trying to cheer her up

"Hey it's all right.... I lost mine too"

Despite these words stealth elf still felt down she felt like she completely botched it

"How about I make you some of my secret pancakes?"

This caused stealth elf's ears to pick up showing her in a better mode

"That wouldn't be so bad"

The squad although still feeling bad over there lost went back home

Chop chop walked through the portal and looked at his team for a couple seconds before ignitor and prism break raised there arms

"WE WON!" Ignitor cheered triumphant

"Of course we did!" Prism break added

"I mean seriously if we lost we would never live  it down"

Meanwhile off in the blue tipped mountains slam bam,zap,boomer,Dino-rang and Zook ball were sitting in their base a large cabin nestled in the mountains

"Man that blizzard is not letting up" said zap gazing into the frozen wonderland beyond the window

"So what? Slam bam said pouring himself a mug of hot coco

"SO WHAT?!" Yelled Dino-Rang angry

"You aren't cold blooded oh and also boomer blew up all the fire wood!"

Slam bam was taking back by this

"What? Why?"

"Apparently he misunderstood fire wood...AGAIN"

"I'm honestly not surprised" Zap added

"Alright well I'll go out and get so-" slam bam was caught off by a loud noise coming outside beyond anything he heard in his life

"Skylanders get ready!"

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