To Lord Blade.

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The Arkuses bane landed softly in the breezily isles with all lights off before the ramp dropped and the skylanders quietly left before gathering near a bush.

"Alright the lord should be in his castle if everything's were it's supposed to be. Stealth elf you and whisper elf sneak behind the wall and open the gate before we go in, the lord is bound to have a escape method so we have to move quick to cut him off. Once the Drows learn of their leaders capture their upper ranks will start fighting amongst themselves and allow for less experienced skylanders to handle the rest."

"Alright let's do it!" Pop fizz yelled to which everyone shushed.

"Oh sorry...let's do it." He whispered this time.

The skylanders moved closer through the brush as the moon held high until stopping as their cover dissipated.

"Alright sis let's go." Stealth elf said before the two left the shrubs and ran to the wall.

Once their they began climbing, making sure not a single sound was made and waiting just below the battlements they waited until a guard passed before leaping over and moving to a tower close to the gate controls.

Entering quietly the two waited by the doorway as two guards patrolled down the hall and by the doorway and walked past the two unknowing until stealth elf knocked out one with a punch to the back of the head and whisper elf knocked out the other with a kick before hiding their unconscious bodies in a nearby barrel.

After this they moved outside and then to the gatehouse proper guarded by two spearmen who were quickly knocked out in a surprise close quarters attack.

They then entered the gate control room where a single rather large drow looked over the control inspecting them before turning around and seeing the two.

Grabbing a hammer the soldier charged and struck down at stealth elf who parried the strike with her blades before kicking him in the stomach and then head and causing him to hall over with whisper elf running up and hopping on his head before going to the controls.

Trying to turn the heavy metal whisper elf struggled to turn the leaver before stopping frustrated.

"I'll take care of it sis just watch my back." Stealth elf said before moving to begin opening the gate.

After just a couple seconds turning the gate began to open which could not go unnoticed and soon drow guards began closing in but as whisper elf locked the door all they could do was knock and shout but soon began banging and the door began to crack but too late as the gate was opened and the two ninjas left by the window.

The rest of the skylanders rushed in before the defenders could gather a prepare and a brawl quickly broke out.

Drobot flew in above firing explosive buzz saws at the horde as eruptor shot his lava at the defenders.

"Born to burn!"

The quantity of drow soldiers only increased however and soon the second gate began to close.

Looking up drill sergeant looked to the kit window at the top of the tower and it showed a shadow in the closed window looking upon the battlefield before leaving.

"Attention, I believe that lord blade is attempting to escape."

"Oh no he's not!" Spyro shouted before flying up to the tower.

Yet in a flash of purple and pink light he was stopped, a electric net belong placed over the skylanders.

"What?!" Cynder said "I thought drow didn't use any real high tech."

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