A tussle in the jungle.

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Spyro and Cynder flew above the small jungle islands that surrounded the canopy. The shades of green mixing with each other.

"So what do you think of jungles?" Cinder looked at spyro.

"Jungles? Well I guess I don't really like them. They're smelly, dark and just give me a feeling of irritation. why?" Spyro said looking to Cynder but she wasn't there.

"Wha?- where'd you go?" Spyro asked to the missing dragon as he looked about.

Suddenly and without warning, Cynder leaped onto Spyro mid air from above. Knocking Spyros wind out of his lungs as they spun to the ground below, splashing into a puddle.

"Haha! Gotcha!" Cynder said getting up.

"Argh! Puh!" Spyro said spitting out a couple wet leaves before he began to laugh.

"Yeah you got me. But now I got you!" Spyro lunged at Cynder who turned away, managing to pin her in a head lock which she couldn't break out of.

"Say mercy!" He said playfully.

"Agh! Alright alright! Mercy!" She said with a chuckle.

"There. Now we're even." He Said getting off her.

"Yeah...race ya to the ship!" She said taking off.

"Hey no fair! You have a head start!" Spyro chased after her.

"And if you are soooo great than you can beat me anyways." Cinder said.

"Alright. You're on!"

As for the winning, it was too close to say.

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