found and discussed

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The T.V. Flickered off as pop fizz began to simply stare down to his hands, his independent consciousness returning as he did.

Ignitor looked at the gremlin with the puzzle of response the only thing in his head as his fire turned blue at the ends before finally Ignitor put a hand on his shoulder.

"I had no idea." Pop fizz said looking up.

Meanwhile Drobot and Spyro were scanning through the canopy, Spyro having a frustrated and bored expression.

"If I was a knight and alchemist where would I be?"

"I have found them." Drobot said.

"Wait actually? Where?"

"In that structure, however we should report back first."

"Well alright." Spyro said as they left to report back to the ridge.

Ignitor sat with pop fizz for a amount of tim he did not know or care for, only looking blankly at the wall.

"You know...I understand what you're experiencing in a way."

Pop fizz said nothing.

"It's tough and changes yourself and your whole world view but...I'm sure you'll make it through this."

Pop fizz still said nothing.

The cabin was then filled with the noise of entrance and creaking wood and with the realization Ignitor left to answer his comrades as pop fizz still sat there.

Turning the corner of the hall Ignitor made contact with the group, inspecting the dust covered rooms and items within the house before he began to speak.

In the rather one sided conversation Ignitor explained what he knew and suspected with the skylanders listening carefully and Jet-vac, Eruptor, Stealth elf and Spyro showing expressions of concern which only increased with each word.

After the last sentences were spoken the small group of pop fizz's original squad quickly moved to Pop fizz who was still sitting in front of the T.V.

After a while the group exited, pop fizz holding a blank expression while the others held a more depressed one.

After this the skylanders returned to the Arkuses bane with  the team also taking whatever notes they could find in the shack before they took off from the canopy with Pop fizz, Jet-vac, stealth elf, Spyro and eruptor sitting in a rather plain room in the ship.

"So can you remember anything about the traptaium reversal formula?" Stealth elf asked.

"Not really...maybe if I reread the notes or something." Pop fizz said scratching his head.

"Alright we can try that in a're you feeling now?"


"That's good." Jet-vac said.

"So what now?" Spyro asked.

"We go to bed?" Pop fizz said.

"Well alright." Eruptor said.

"Okay well if you need anything we're all just a couple steps away alright pop?" Stealth elf said.

"I sure will, goodnight." Pop fizz said before leaving the room.

Leaving the room Pop fizz went inside his laboratory and began working in his simple alchemical experiments while Ignitor walked to the door and knocked.

"Come in." Pop fizz said temporarily halting his experiment.

Ignitor opened the door and walked in with no words before standing in the middle of the laboratory next to pop fizz.

"I know what it's like to some extent." He said.

"For someone to walk into your room?"

" do you but for your memories. It's a very infuriating process and I want to tell you I understand it to some degree."

"Oh that...yeah I'm over that." Pop fizz said returning to his project.


"Well sure it shocked me and spooked me a good bunch but I'm over it."


"I suppose it just doesn't really matter to me. I've made my own person and sure my past self called me a idiot but looks who's still standing!"

"Bu..h..alright" Ignitor said puzzled and his fire growing just a little bit red in annoyance.

"Well goodnight." Pop fizz said directing Ignitor to the exit which

After the knight left pop fizz continued his operations however began reaching over into his sack and grabbed a beyond broken pair of glasses he took from his rediscovered home.

"I don't need glasses." He said throwing them away

Ignitor walked through the halls of the ship to his quarters before looking down at his hands grüne to fists.


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