New members

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The Arkus's bane moved through the air, the ships engines humming as it made to its destination, the academy.

At the academy there dozens of airships in different size each harboring a skylander team which answered Kassandras call

Parking precisely at the docks, carefully avoiding the other ships, the ramp was dropped and the skylanders left

"Can we get ice cream?" Whisper elf asked walking behind her big sister

"Later, first we have to report back" she said as she and the rest of the team entered the inner academy

Once there, the skylanders found Kassandra pacing by a chair before noticing their presence

"Oh good you're here" she said walking to them

"Yes we are, now what are we going to do?" Jetvac said the rest of the team thinking alike

"Well as you know I have recalled everyone back to the academy, we have been having teams report in since morning yet there are two which focus my concern"

"And who would they be?" Spyro ask flying up

Kassandra sighed preparing her words

"The swap force and trap teams have not reported in and have not even sent a message and given their importance, I worry we have lost them and also we lost all contact with cloudcracker prison"

There was a slight silence before pop fizz spoke

"So now what?"

"I need you all to investigate the swap forces statu , given their skill, their status will be enough to determine the rest their last now position was the ashey mist"

"That seems simple enough"ignitor said leaning against the wall

"Yes but not easy, drill stated that you may find the swap force in their shadow forms and should you face them you would be out numbered and out gunned so I assigned more to your team"

"So I must make more rooms?" Drill sergeant said

"Well I'll help you do it" sprocket said causing the group to look behind them to reveal sprocket skull hex and cinder

"Everyone I'd like to introduce your newest members sprocket and our two wait sorry thee most recent valedictorians, hex, skull and cinder"

"Glad to be with you" hex said formally

"Oh great, just what we needed a witch with no experience....just great"

"What's your problem with her flame boy?!" He's said with annoyance

"Your existence"

"I apologize, my friend here is not very big on witches"prism break said trying to make up for ignitors ironically non warmly welcome

"Wow cinder I didn't know you graduated already!" Spyro said pretty much ignoring the other ones and ignitors attitude

"Well I didn't want to brother you about it" she said flying up to meet her friend

"Well anyways they are on your team, I ask that you all get ready for when sprocket and drill ready your ship, when do you think that will be?"Kassandra asked

"Hmm about..."

"Five hours"

"Yeah that, plus two incase we have any problems"

"Well get to it, I worry of what our enemy is up to while we sit and wait, meanwhile I suggest you all take time for yourselves, rest is important after all"

"Alright five hours off!" Pop fizz said jumping up excitedly

"Does this mean we can get ice cream now?" Whisper elf said looking up to her older sister

"Sure sis"

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