To Sheelshock part one.

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Pop fizz mixed the potions in his hand, looking carefully at whatever result would come before the concoction exploded incinerating the glass and giving the gremlin a black smoke stained face.

"Okay...let's do this exactly the same way again."

After repeating the process again to the letter and having it blow up in his face again but then something came to mind.

"Where are my glasses?"

Looking around his room made highly flawed laboratory pop fizz searched but did not find what he sought.

Flying in the room spyro hovered over the laboratory careful to steer clear of any of pop fizz's experiments or products.

"Yo roll call pop let's go."

"One second I need to find my glasses."

" don't wear glasses."

"I don't? Yes I've been wearing them for...I don't..well let's go."

"Alright." Spyro said leaving the conversation and room.

"But I swore I wore glasses."

On the deck the group gathered and entertained themselves waiting for the eventual call of drill sergeant or chop chop.

"Okay best out of three." Whisper elf said

"Alright, rock paper scissors shoot."  The two sisters said together, whisper winning with rock to scissors.

"Aw're really good at this."

"Hm, thank you." Whisper elf said smiling.

"Alright one more game, this time only one."

"Rock paper scissors shoot." They said together, whisper elf winning again.

"Yes!" She said proud of herself.

"Alright well next time go easy on me." Stealth elf said patting her on her head as Spyro and a little later pop fizz entered.

"Okay everyone's here." Chop chop said after quickly and quietly counting the room and turning on a projector, putting a image on the front window of a sky port and around five heavily armed ships docked there.

"So here is Shellshocks fleet, there are five battleships as you can see but around three dozen smaller landing crafts and fighters. We've been given the approval to engage but on the condition of immediate withdrawal to the academy afterwards. The plan is to strike directly at Shellshocks flag ship, the Shellshock and capture him. We're going to need a distraction to get close but we have a plan around this."

"What's the plan?" Jet-vac asked.

"You'll know in time."

"Well why not now? We need to get this guy and fast. The sooner we know the sooner he's behind bars!"

"Calm down birdie." Ignitor said leaning against the wall.

"Birdie?!" Jet-vac said marching up to the knight.

"Yes, birdie."

"That's enough." Drill sergeant said.

"Ignitor, leave jet-vac alone."

"Oh what is this the play ground? Should I do my best to not cut in line?"

"If you need to than yes." Drill said with Ignitor only responding with a groan

"Well with that out of the way there is only one more thing to say. We're here."

The Arkuses bane bursted through the cloud and revealed the base, the ships at port just as told before.

"Alright bring us in slow and steady and keep the cloak on." Chop chop said as drill began to manually steer the ship.

"Wait this thing can go invisible?!" Whisper elf said having her mind blown by this possibility.

"Well no, but our signal on radar can be hidden, however if they look at us, although unlikely given the vastness of the sky, they will see us."

Meanwhile on the island the port was built, two troll guards played a game of cards in a watch tower.

"So got any fours?"

"Go fish bill."

"Darn, What cards you even have frank?"

"Like I'd tell you."

"Yeah whatever..woah!" Bill said pointing to the window behind formal where in clear view the arkuses bane was flying.

"Yeah right, I'll tune around, see nothing and then you'll get to see my hand."

"No man look!"

"Fine, but I'm keeping my cards down." Frank said before turning and seeing the skylanders ship.

"Quick call Shellshock!" Frank said to which bill ran to the control counter and connected the two.

Meanwhile in his ship Shellshock quietly sat on his throne in his bridge pondering what will come next.

"Maybe I should just steal some candy...nah I'll rob a bank that have those lollipops at the front and then I'll have some sweets and money."

Then a ringing came from a phone on bridge causing everyone to look towards it.

"Well? Answer it you dummkopfs."

What then ensued was a full on race by every troll and bird to get to the phone first, running trampling and climbing over each other before finally one reached it and gave it Shellshock.

"Finally...dummkopf." Shellshock said before turning it on.

"Hallo? Who is this? State yourself right now!"

"Um..this is tower uh..four wait no five and ummm...there's a enemy ship approaching!"

"What?! Why didn't you say that first?! And what didn't our radar detect anything?!" Shellshock said before furiously ending the call.

"Alright! Scrabble every fighting and transport and send it against that ship! It must be destroyed with overwhelming force immediately! And get the ships out of port now! Los Los!" Shellshock said as the crew of trolls and birds scrabbled to press buttons and relay orders.

"Hey, you said they couldn't see us right?" Hex said to chop chop.

"Yes why?"

"Well..I think they saw us." She said pointing out the window to the swarm of fighters and troop transports racing towards them.

"Well, that sucks."

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