The rocky abomination.

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The abomination breathed harshly as it over looked the two giants which seemed a rather inappropriate name compared to the abominations size.

Roaring it leaped out and tired to cut into the two with his razor sharp claws.

Crusher immediately split himself up to avoid this blow but Ninjini took too long in gawking at the abomination and could only pull out her blades to block at the very last second.

The abomination struck again and again as Ninjni held her guard slowly losing her grip.

Yet soon Crusher assisted with a hammer blow to the abominations side causing it to halt its attack for a moment.

Exploiting this Ninjni blasted a magical mist to the creatures one eye before slicing at it while it was stuck in a burning haze.

This pain only fueled the beings will to fight however as it grabbed the dual blades in its blind rage, green blood running down its palms as it then blocked an attack from Crushers hammer.

Ninjni once again froze for a moment at the monsters determination while Crusher was quick to jab at the enemy with his stone fist but this only caused the monster to throw the two to opposite sides of the tunnel.

Above the well two Cyclopes held a conversation.

"And then I said...wait do you hear that?" One Cyclops said after hearing a rumbling.

"Yeah" the other cyclops said. "My stomachs growling, let's get something to eat." He said before the two left.

Back in the tunnels the abomination began savagely beating Crusher with furious blows while Ninjini picked herself up from the harsh attack.

Looking at her friends peril Ninjni immediately summoned her blades and in less than half a second plunged them into the back of the abomination forcing it to stop as it yelled in pain.

Forcing the blades out of the rocky crust that was the creatures body, Ninjni backed away preparing to attack again but she could not prepare for what came next.

From the monsters one eye a beam of light like that of prism break shot out, cutting clean through the stone on its way to Ninjni who could barely deflect it with her blades.

The creature kept firing shot after shot at Ninjni who parried each one before then rushing close and in a furry of blows sliced and stabbed into the creature hundreds of times before it landed on the dusty floor.

Barley being able to keep herself from collapsing Ninjni huffed and sighed at the end of the fight, giving herself a small moment of rest.

But the rest was short as the monster got back up and lunged to strike at Ninjni again.

Barely getting out of the way Ninjni teleported short distances away as the monster swung savagely.

Lacking options Ninjni kept the creature at bay the best she could, using mist and small magic projectiles to try and take it down but there was no effect.

In a quick and harsh second the abomination managed to get close and hammered Ninjni in the stomach, knocking her out of breath and into the wall of the catacombs.

Pushing herself off from the tunnels floor Ninjni, stammered and stunned prepared her blades once again as the monster charged.

But before it could reach her a massive hammer stopped it in it's path and forced it back before another strike and another caused it to be the stammered and stunned one.

Crusher, recovered to some extent continued bashing the monster with his hammer before the creature tried to fire its light beam from its eye but was stopped by Curhser momentarily turning its one pupil into stone.

With this last distraction the creature fell over in pain before Crushers hammer smashed into its chest, cracking the stone skin, the rocky bones and the hard slabs of organs.

Turning around from the no longer threatening abomination Crusher walked to Ninjni.

"You know you could've put maneuvered him much faster than you did and your blade work could definitely have been more precise."

Ninjni looked to the ground, the words from her friend breaking the battle strained and tired thread keeping her emotions together.

"Like I get it caught us off guard but you could've done be-

"I know!"

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