The captured and released

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In a large troll bunker, which the still unknown figure requested and was given, loud noises of groans and tantrum like sounds were heard along with pounding of glass like substance before the source was revealed.


"Gah!" Kaos said as he bashed against the traptaium wall only to land on the ground after bouncing off as glumshanks looked down trying to hide a slight chuckle.

"Aghhhh! Glumshanks! Help me open this door!" He demanded

"Uh sir there is no's just traptaium"

"Still we must get out of here! I can't conquer skylands while stuck in here!"

Sighing glumshanks got up and pushed the barrier in front of them

"Well that's all I can do" he said before returning to sitting against the wall

Kaos was about to insult gumshanks but was stopped by the noise of the door down the hall opening with loud and slow footsteps approaching until the source revealed itself as a figure in a black hood.

For a moment kaos was quiet yet quickly it ended.

"Who are you?! And why do you do dare imprison me! Kaos! The future emperor of skylands!"

"Who I am is not of concern however you see I am going to be the emperor of skylands, not you."He said looking down on the dark portal master.

"WWWWHHHAAATTT?! How dare you challenge me! KAOS!"

"I'm not here to challenge you, you aren't a challenge, I'm here to give you the curiosity of knowing who's taking your place, goodbye." The figure said before leaving to the door.

"Hey! Come back here! I'm not done with you! Your insolence will be your DOOOOOM!"Kaos shouted before the door closed in front of him

Walking through the halls the figures hand glowed a mix of several colors before trembling harshly causing the figure to lean against the wall in pain before moving quickly to a door leading to a large courtyard like section of the bunker, with grey and black raindrops pouring down as smoke bellowed across the sky from the dozens of factories.

Steadying his crystal hand the lights turned to a blinding brightness before multiple beams shot out in a spectrum of colors before in a flash, the entire swap force team was unveiled all in their elemental colors.

"So you failed...follow me" The figure said walking out of the courtyard with the skylanders following

After this the figure continued walking around the bunker before coming to another room.

"Wait here." He said before going into the room.

In there was a large cell which contained the doom raiders all of which held a bored expression before noticing the figures presence.

"Hello" the figure said walking closer.

"What do you want?" Golden queen said wanting to get to the end of the conversation.

"To put it simple your help, you see I have a plan to rule skylands but I need the skylanders distracted to allow me to maneuver more freely, you distract the skylanders, you'll get richly rewarded."

"And I should trust that you'll win why?"

The figure stood still before moving his traptaium hand up and snapping his fingers.

At this moment the swap force entered, their blank faces looking at the doom raiders

"That's why."

"Now...will you help me?"

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