The vault's exterior.

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The Skylanders gathered on the bridge, around a hologram model of a massive island, Drill Sergeant piloting.

"The islands rock is incredibly thick and holds various high explosive shrapnel filled mines so we can't blast into it. We'll go in by the landing pad and have to fight our way into the base. The empire never expected to be in a state where they would have to defend it so it's defenses aren't considerable. By Arkeyan standards at least. Once we get in we'll have to find the drill schematics, and whatever else they could've taken or learned, so keep a eye out for any clues. Understood?" Chop chop said.

The room agreed, and Chop Chop turned to Drill.

"ETA to the vault?"

"Soon. I have gained visual."

"Well isn't our world just convenient?" Ignitor said sarcastically.

"Is it supposed to oozing smoke?" Spyro asked.

"Not to my knowledge." Chop Chop said.

As they approached the grey smoke bellowing became more obvious as well as that if it's source.

Dozens of Troll ships, carriers, drones, transports, all scattering the plain rocky wasteland of the islands surface, as they got closer the number increased as well as the amount of ashy burn marks on the ground.

Gathering at the deck they awaited their landing while looking on.

"How many ships do you think they lost?" Eruptor said.

"I'm counting around one hundred so I'd say two hundred. Losses are usually a lot more after you look back." Jet-Vac said.

"Why aren't they shooting at us?" Cynder said.

"The ship is marked as Arkeyan. They think we're one of them." Drill Sergeant Dias.

"Wait so why can't you or Chop Chop just walk in a find what's important?"

"Because the Arkeyan database know's we're deserters."


"All this effort and loss for a drill, they must have grabbed something else." Sprocket said.

Finally the ship settled down on a empty landing pad, the skyalnders leaving with caution.

Looking behind her Stealth elf found her sister following her. 

"Go back to the ship." She said to her quietly.

"Oh come on Sis, I can help. I helped with that big robot guy."

"That was a accident."

"Then surly I can do even better on purpose than right?"

Stealth elf sighed and rolled her eyes before replying.

"Close as a shadow, twice as silent."

"Deal!" Whisper elf said quietly.

Making their way around corners throughout the canyon the skyalnders were met with ash marks and broken bots, more and more and more and more as they neared the vault.

"For once I'm thankful to these trolls." Sprocket said.

"How many do you think they lost?" Pop fizz asked.

"A lot." Ignitor said.

Finally they were at the vault gates. Massive doors of massive metal and rock with a console to its side they drill began to hack into.

"So why did they need this vault?" Cynder asked.

"Allow for ease of experimentation and research. Arkeyan computers only have enough data on them that was deemed necessary by their location and purpose. This vault holds massive amounts of general information, however it's not very useful as it mainly goes into military research. However some major achievements have been made thanks to the groundwork of the Arkeyan empire." Chop Chop said.

"Cool, didn't know you find that genocidal empire to be just." Stealth elf said sarcastically.

"I didn't say that, I said it accomplished much."

"I know just poking fun."

"What's a genocidal?" Whisper elf asked.

"It's when you wanna kill everything of a certain thing because you don't like them for some stupid reason." Ignitor said before stealth elf could say anything.

Finally the door opened. Initial darkness replaced by bright blue lights illuminating the staircase that went downwards seemingly unendingly. The dark blue walls with golden highlights inventing them junk the depths.

And they began to descend.

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