Moving in

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"'s the plan" chop chop said as the skylanders gathered around

"Stealth elf move back into the mine where the hostages are and once you hear the signal start fighting them meanwhile Drobot...jetvac...and Spyro I need you three to move into the mine and help stealth elf secure the hostages....prism break and drill you lay down cover fire so they can get in and rest of us will hit the Cyclopes head it?"

The skylanders nodded and then got into positions stealth elf once again disappeared and after five minutes the attack began

Stationed on the high ground prism break and drill began firing down on the Cyclopes with lasers and missiles causing a panic in their forces as about one third were destroyed before long

Giving a hand motion to drobot chop chop signaled the two dragons and hawk to attack to which they acted

With Spyro in the lead then jetvac and then drobot the three skylanders rushed into the enemy the enemy's shattered line

Seeing a opening Spyro shoot a fire hall upon a group of Cyclopes who just got a grasp of situation before being knocked down smoking by spyros attack

"Yeah! Got three of em!" The dragon exclaimed

"What you at JT?" He then asked looking back upon the air skylander for just a second

"Oh now it's a competition?"

"Not only is it a competition it's one I'm winning!" Spyro said smug with a grin

Rolling his eyes but smiling a little at he teammates words finding them just a little amusing

Taking it as a challenge jetvac used his air cannon to bring in a single cyclops in a daze before firing it a five others trying to block off the group

"Six beats three dragon boy"

Seeing the situation drobot then took his turn and after taking some calculations folded his wings outwards and shot two explosive buzz saws sending  them ofd and before egos could blink they began bouncing off objects and Cyclopes again and again before finally exploding

"That is eight to six and three" he said in his echoey voice

"Hmph....I still won the arena fight" Spyro said under his breath but not enough to keep drobot from hearing

then drobot in a small fit of frustration shoot a laser beam at Spyro purposely missing but close enough to feel the warmth of the lasers

"Woah! Dude!....uncool" Spyro said as the group flew into the mine

Hearing explosions and fighting stealth elf took a sigh of relief


Then in poof of green smoke the ninja appeared to the shock of the around twenty Cyclopes who fought they were along

Seeing the enemy before them they began their attack

One Cyclopes began spinning at high rates towards to stealth elf who brought out her daggers before moving to slide under her opponent tripping them sending them to the ground before leaping in the air to hit another enemy with a kick to the eye before punching another in the stomach

Then the Cyclopes began surrounding her hoping to cut of her momentum and trap her around them

"Don't blink..."she whispered before disappearing

Looking around the Cyclopes tried and failed to find her

Until one cyclops fear stricken and shaking in his boots turned around only to see a dark image with white eyes perching into his soul before being knocked out in less than a second before she began engaging the rest

Seeing the plan in action chop chop, eruptor, ignitor and pop fizz rushed in chop chop at the front clearing what little resistance remained as they moved in

There they found the rest of the Cyclopes tied up with the hostages safe and sound

"How's that?" Spyro said smirking to ignitor

"Huh...I guess you aren't total trash" ignitor said

"That's not to nice" Spyro said his smirk gone

"Well I didn't exactly say it to be nice" ignitor said

However before the conversation could continue a mabu wearing a ribbon that said mayor around his torso walked up to the skylanders

"Oh thank goodness you arrived! When those mean Cyclopes showed up and captured us I didn't know what we'd do!"

"You are welcome but why didn't the skylanders here protect you?" Chop chop asked putting his sword and shield on his back

"We don't know! The skylanders always kept us safe but a couple days ago there was a thunderous noise and a great light from the direction of their cabin we fear something may have happened!"

"Well don't worry mayor we'll see what's going on!" Jetvac said

"Oh thank you! Please if there is ANYTHING we could do for you just ask"

"Well...there is one thing" stealth elf said

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