Iron fins fall.

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The figure rested his hands on his chair as his own small ship rapidly approached the iron fin.

"How many will it be now? fifty three? Fifty eight? I'll count later."

The window the small ship the figured stared through passed through another cloud and showed the skylanders ship, as well as the small troll fleet retreating.

The figure breathed a airless sigh, he felt hungry but couldn't eat, thirsty but couldn't drink and his hands felt numb but like they were shaking.

Yet such feelings were irrelevant from the task at hand when the small ship, which the figure named the Crystal dagger landed and docked on the iron fin.

The skylanders all rushed through the door, weapons and powers ready as the figure began to walk on the connection between the two ships.

Double trouble, at the head of the group immediately summoned a small group of minions while blasting at the figure however the attack was simply blocked and before the minions could do anything a blast of light hit the magic skylander turning him into a creature of multi shade purple.

Not a second after this Camo fired at the figure, the fire ball moving past like a cloud before once again a shot of light was sent and the skylander was taken.

And not a second later the same happened to Hot Dog, not even launching a attack before being lost.

Terrafin, seeing the situation leaped at the enemy, furious eyes and even more furious fists but the figure simply dodged and fired a shot of light again.

And Gill grunt was all that was left.

Looking at his squad of green, red, purple and brown Gill grunt sighed before jetting into the air, dodging a shot of light that would've otherwise hit him before using his harpoon gun to eliminate his squad mates before turning it onto the enemy.

The figure continued his assault, blasts of light from his hands bouncing against the hull as Gill grunt evaded again and again all while firing back accurately.

Yet no harpoon could stop his enemy, the shots bouncing off and falling into the sky.

With this sight Gill began to use the hydro mode of his weapon, the water pressure pouring and pushing the figure back more and more but in a ball of blue energy a shock wave attack hit Gill, knocking him into the hull and only a last minute reaction allowed him to dodge another attack of light.

Seeing the situation the fearsome fish decided to fall back into the bridge, quickly flying into it and locking the door behind him he moved to the comms and began to record a message.

"This is Gill grunt, the moss islands, date the fourth of..oh it doesn't matter! The enemy is here! The one who's been taking the skylanders! He just took my team and is coming for me. I'm going to try to get the data from the troll computers and escape using the Lightning fang, if you don't see me...I failed."

Turing off the recorder Gill grunt ran through the halls all the while the door to the deck began to dent from repeated strikes until it finally broke and fell on the floor.

Walking into the bridge and standing in the middle the figure looked down at the now empty hall and reached out his hand, now glowing.

I'm a flash Gill grunts squad, now taken appeared.

The figure pointed, and the shadows followed.

Gill grunt ran through the halls at the fastest speed his legs would take him as he moved to where the computers were being stored, not using his water pack to not make a trail before he finally reached his destination.

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