To Shellshock part two.

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"Brace." Drill sergeant said said as the fighters swarmed past, firing at the Arkuses bane.

"Everyone, to the deck!" Chop chop said as the hull rumbled.

Scrabbling from their positions, the skylanders rushed towards the deck however stealth elf quickly stopped and grabbed whisper by the hand.

"Nuh uh." She said with a firm voice and grip.

"What? But I wanna help."

"Than guard the bridge but you're not going out there."

"I already proved myself though."

"That's not a good reason to put you in danger now stay here. I love you." Stealth elf said before disappearing.

"Yeah...I love you too."

With the door bursting open the skylanders rushed on the deck with drill sergeant and sprocket going to the guns.

"Here they come!" Prism break said pointing to the coming airships.

The swarm of fighters and transports flew upon the Arkuses bane with inaccurate fire from the fighter planes bouncing off the haul as Sprocket and Drill sergeant shot back in the cannons with great accuracy, sending many planes already to the ground as some skylanders with the range shot at the swarm, shooting down a couple yet the attack continued.

Now on top of the ship, several transports began dropping troops as much as possible before either being destroyed or retreating with three managed to get away.

"Oh no you don't! Dro! Cinder let's get em." Spyro said flying with the two dragons following behind them.

The three rushed to the remaining transports with rapid haste before they began their attack. Spyro head butting a small engine off the side before hitting the cockpits I think a fire ball, destroying the controls.

Drobot shot laser beams at the enemy vessel, annihilating it's engine block before sending a explosive buzzsaw right into it and exploding the vessel.

Cynder landing with a thud on the transport as she breath deeply before unleashing a tremendous attack of lightning down on the ship. Quickly it started a fire and lost control, the vessel falling to the island with black smoke.

Returning to the deck the battle continued the hawk troopers who landing fighting with their blasters and blades yet could not overcome the skylanders power and skill and quickly the assault proved to be a failure.

"Fighters! From Portside!" Prism beak said again as the fighter wings flew again to the ship, their guns lighting up as they opened fire.

However yet again their attack held little effect and many fell to the Arkuses banes guns but soon  another run came altough less than a dozen. Yet one, coming from a angle not either of the guns covered.

Abandoning his ship and opening his parachute. The pilot jumped out of the fighter as it was flying straight to the Arkuses bane.

"There's one coming to crash! Hey!" Jet-vac said trying to get the groups attention but with the fighters staffing and troops battling there was no way for this to happen only if Ignitor hearing his call

"What do we do? We can't get their attention and neither of us have the range to destroy that thing...unless?" Jet-vac said


"We need to do it!"


"We could die!"

"I am willing to die."

"Other people on board could die!"


Ignitor came out of his armor in his living flame before being sucked up by Jet-vacs air cannon and after a brief pause for aiming, shot the knights fire at the ship, the blaze tearing though the metal and glass leaving only shreds to fall down the sky before Ignitors fire flew back with rapid speed.

"That was quick."

"Yeah, when I get too far away from the armor I get brought back."

"Seems pretty useful."

"Well it's against my will but alright."

Disarming and pacifying the last of the hawk troopers the skylanders too a deep breath before the vessel came on top of the sky port all while flak was firing in the sky in the vain hope of shooting the skylanders ship down.

"Alright!" Chop chop said, raising his voice enough for the skylanders to hear him over the winds and cannon fire.

"It's time to execute our plan! Pop fizz come here." He said with the gremlin following his command.

"Okay now drink that liquid you thought was lemonade."

"Well actually I think it's soda."

"Whatever just drink it."

"*gulp, gulp* okay now what?"

"You see that battleship down there?"

"Yeah what about it?"

Chop chop pushed pop fizz off the ship.

"Pop! What the heck man?!" Eurptor said

"He'll live."

"You don't know that!"

Meanwhile in the sky below


"Man this taking a while, maybe I'll- AGH" pop fizz said as his transformation began.

Soon the small blue ball of fur tumbling to his doom was a large dark blue monster tumbling to the doom of others and soon landing on the battle ship, breaking the deck before he jumped up and began to reek havoc upon the evildoers.

"We gotta go save him he's completely out numbered." Stealth elf said worried for her friend.

"No, we are going to the Shellshock."

"But he needs help!"

"Aaaaaaaaaaa!" Said a hawk trooper, who flew besides the Arkuses bane after being launched by Pop fizz.

"I think he's doing fine."

The skylanders ship raced to the Shellshock, the engines of the humongous battleship still being turned on.

"Arghhh! Los! Los! They are coming!" Shellshock said as his eyes were trained on his enemy.

"Fire the cannons!"

The Shellshocks eight twin cannons turned with their mechanical hymns as it slowly turned to the Arkuses bane and fired with a ear crushing boom.

The Arkuses bane maneuvered out of the path of coming destruction as its own elemental cannons readied aimed and fired. The gears that left the guns smashed the deck and haul, causing deep dents and shattered steel to dominant the ship.

"Agh! Order the Invincible to begin firing on the enemy!" Shellshock said.

Yet upon the invincible pop fizz was causing chaos and destruction and soon enough the ship exploded.

"I knew invincible was a poor choice." Shellshock said seeing the destruction.

Soon the arkuses bane was deployed behind the Shellshock, still dodging shells from cannons as they launched their attack, firing on the Shellshocks engines, completely stopping the possibility of escape.

With enemy's place secured the Arkuses bane continued to bombard the Shellshock with the elemental cannons reeking destruction on the crabs vessel before finally landing and the skylanders stormed the deck with great ferocity and effectively.

Meanwhile Whisper elf was looking out the window at the commencing of the attack while mumbling to herself

"Why do I have stay here."

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