A talk of two dragons

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Spyro sat at the "thinking spot" which was unusualy empty with just him

Spyro looked at the sky and began to think about what happened so recently ago

He shouldn't have run away everything would have been fine if he just...all he had to do was just stay and everything would be fine

Suddenly came cynder who was flying around and saw Spyro sitting down alone and looking rather bummed out

Flying down to where Spyro was funded spoke

"Hey" she said not knowing how to start the conversation

"Hey" Spyro said not even looking back at the fellow dragon

Cynder seeing the magic skylanders mood tried to find out was wrong

"Well I guess sometimes you lose fights right?" She said referring to the small arena battle between the two skylanders teams

"No it's not that I'm way over that"

"Then what is it?"

"It's.... it's eon and how it's my..." Spyro tried to state what was wrong but was caught off by cynder rubbing up against him

"It's not your fault you know that I know that everyone else knows that"

"Well what I know doesn't change how I feel..." Spyro said still down in the dumps

"Yeah I guess that is how feels work but well" cynder said before hugging Spyro

"We'll be right here for you"
Hearing this spyros mood went straight up

"Yeah...I guess you will be"Spyro said befor flying upwards

"Alright that's enough mussy messy feelings stuff let's..."Spyro stopped speaking not wanting to brush away cynders attempts to help him

"Look I appreciate this is, I really do I just kinda want to move in from this and focus on being a skylander I guess but I DO really appreciate this"

"I know" cynder said herself flying up to Spyro and giving him a fist bump

"I know"

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