Forumla failure

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Lights and lightning buzzed throughout drill sergeants workshop, the wires and coils connecting and crossing various contraptions with multiple vessels holding various liquids.

From these tubes and wires a single piece of traptaium was placed on a pedestal while a beam emitter was pointed right at it.

Earlier the two skylanders used the piece of green traptaium to trap a pigeon and were now going to see if the formula could reverse the process by using a plus from the formula.

"Alright everything's in place and I've checked over the notes for the sixth time. This is as far as pop fizz got." Sprocket said looking over the lab with a laboratory coat on.

"Then we'll have to take over. Let us begin the process." Drill sergeant said with his own lab coat sprocket made him wear.

The machinery began to turn on as lightning and electricity began traveling to the ingredients and began forcing reactions as they then began to travel to the emitter all while the two skylanders carefully witnessed the process.

Finally the concoction began to mix in the emitter as it began to warm up but just as all seemed well and done it exploded in a mix of metal, wires, liquids and other pieces all while the traptaium was untouched.

"Damn." Sprocket said under her breath while putting a hand to her chin.

"Perhaps the ingredients were too irritated as they began to combine." Drill said.

"Possibly. Either way we gotta put it back together again."

"Well with us together it shouldn't take too long to get this right."

"No it should not."

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