To rocky stone outpost.

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The Gigantic's massive engines scorched the sky and clouds as it rocked to its destination. The giants at the bridge.

"Alright. The cyclopes castle's location is a complete unknown to us. We've been hitting their supply depots and outposts but now we need to strike their head." Tree Rex said before giving the floor to bouncer.

"Oh! right! So every cyclops base we hit had the same communication codes. After I deciphered it in under a day because I'm amazing I discovered that all signals can be traced back to here. Therefore it stands to reason we can identify all cyclops bases once we hit this one. Including their headquarters."

Tree Rex spoke again.

"Alright. We've been doing good work every since we got back to it. But this isn't going to be like the last missions. Simply put we're still rusty so don't do anything you're not absolutely certain you can do okay? Now here's the plan. Ninjini and Crusher, we'll sky-drop you above their radar and you'll turn off their cannons."

"A sky-drop?!" Ninjini exclaimed with a worried face.

"Uh yeah? Is there a problem?" The whole room looked at Ninjini.

"Uhh no. Well not for it's just you said don't do anything outside our capabilities and crusher is a little rusty."

"What?" The golem said in confusion.

"Well if crusher thinks he can handle it he'll do it."

"Darn right I will."

"Now as I was saying. You'll turn off the cannons and allow us to make a forward assault. Then we secure their comms and bouncer will download it's data. After that we'll blow the base and move onto their HQ. Any questions?"

The room was silent. Ninjini wanted to speak every instinct told her to say she didn't think she could do it but she held her tongue, going along with the plan.

"Okay let's move out."

With this command the giants set out to their stations. Crusher to the dropping bay, bouncer to steer the ship and the others moving about. This was with the exception of Ninjini who only continued to sit still before eventually sighing and bringing herself up.

Slowly floating to her room the Ninja let herself fall on the bed as she thought of what to do.

Eventually with a sigh she brought out her phone and began to call Stealth elf.

The ringing phone was the only sound in her room as she felt more anxious with every tune until finally she heard something.

"Hey this is Stealth elf and I can't talk right now because I'm probably saving the world so leave a message and...Whisper! Don't drink bleach!"

With a soundless expression of hopelessness Ninjini fell back into her bed only blinking and breathing as the minutes wore on until the intercom sounded.

"We're now over the outpost. Everyone to their stations."

Ninjini brought herself up and looked at the door which on the other side laid her impossible like mission.

"Here goes nothing."

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