One Last Time|| Mikey

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"Hey Y/N long time; no see" Mikey chimed and you nodded.
"Yeah. Don't see you around much anymore Fusco" you replied
You hated how you guys talked like old classmates or something. Like you weren't madly in love just three months ago.
"Yeah you know that's ones not much of a social butterfly" he joked pointing towards his airhead girlfriend dancing with some of her airhead friends.
"Yeah" you laughed slightly "You sure know how to pick em" you joked back
"I picked you, didn't I?" He asked raising his eye brows with a bit of a smirk on his face.
Your eyes sadden "yeah you did" you replied.
"Mikey babe come dance with me!" His girlfriend called and he said bye to you as he went to fulfill her request. You waved as you went to get as far away from them so he didn't see you cry. You would've never came to this party if you knew he'd be here.
It was around four am and the party was stirring down. You had a bit of a hard time doing so but you had tried to have fun. You were the DD tonight but your friends had found other options home. You were about to leave when you saw a drunken Mikey still dancing but his girlfriend was no where in sight.

"Mikey wheres you girlfriend?" You asked and he shrugged

"Probably gone. She hates when I get drunk" You rolled your eyes as he fell on the ground.

"Come on I'll get you home" you said trying to help him up

"No why would I go home with a liar like you?" He asked and you wince at his harshness

"Because it's four am and your lovely little girlfriend ditched you"

"At least she didn't leave me after two years of being together when she promised me she'd always be there." he scoffed

"Mikey can't you just forgive me for like fifteen minutes so I can get you home?" You asked not wanting to argue with drunk Mikey

"I don't even have my house key on me."

"Fine then you're coming home with me I'm not letting you stay here." you say pulling him out of the house


You unlocked the door to your house and pulled Mikey inside setting him on the couch before going into the kitchen and returning with a glass of water, handing it to him.
After he finished it, you helped him up to your room.

"You know I love her right?" He mutters a tiny bit more sober now and you nod

"I know you only did this because you miss me. But I love her Y/N." he says

"I don't really care what's the truth Mikey. I just want to fool myself for a night." You reply and he nods as you reach the top of the stairs and climb into your bed

"Why now? Why not then? Why do you love me now?" He asked and you

"I always loved you Mikey, I just was scared of being hurt." you explain and he shakes his head

"I'm happy now, you said you wanted to be without me."

"I'll leave you alone after tonight, I promise I'll let you go" you tell him

"I loved you so much, I fear I could never love someone that way." he said and you nod

"I know"

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