Dirty Diana pt.1//Any

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A/N: Welcome to the last imagine of 2014! This is so bitter sweet. Im so excited for what ideas I can brew up in 2015. I've had this idea for a while now and I'm pretty excited about, leave comments about weather liked it or not? I hope everyone enjoys the new year. Also if you haven't heard the weekend's version of this song, I suggest it. ily you guys more than summer~Kendra

•You never make me stay. So take your weight off of me. I know your every move. So won't you just let me be? I've been here times before, But I was to blind to see. That you seduce every man,This time you won't seduce me. She likes the boys in the band ,She knows when they come to town.Every musician's fan after the curtain comes down. She waits at backstage doors, For those who have prestige. Who promise fortune and fame, A life that's so carefree.•

His P.O.V~ (If you read this in your favs voice you'll die I promise)
Show after show after show after show. I loved tour mostly because every night was the same with different faces and different things going on. It was the same, yet totally different.
But here. Here was always one of my favorite places and I make sure that we stop here every time I tour. The crowd is always the loudest and the night in general is always the most intense and then there's her. Y/N.

"Great job guys" my manager yelled as the boys packed and shut down. We didn't have to pack up since I was doing another show here tomorrow night. "I'm gonna go say hi to some fans" I told my manager and he nodded "yeah some 'fans'" he said sarcastically "Come on you know, I don't mess with her no more, I'm taken and that girl is always up to no good. I didn't even see her in the crowd tonight" I said back and he shrugged as I headed towards the back. There was about thirty fans waiting to meet me. I took pictures and signed stuff and followed a few on social media and talked and got to know a few of them. Just when the night was about to wind down and I was gonna head back inside, I saw her. Y/N.
"Hello, Hello,Hello. Long time no see" she chimed. Fuck.
"Hey, Y/N. I didn't think you showed up tonight" I said not looking her in the eye. That's how she gets ya.
"Oh come on you know me, Mr.Modest" She joked and I nodded
"Yeah, well I've got to head back-" I started but I was got off
"How is she? That girl of yours" she asked stepping a little closer. And that's when I noticed that thirty fans turned into one real, real quick. It was just me and her.
"She's fine, speaking of which she's waiting on me at the hotel, I shou-" I started but was cut off again.
"Speaking of which I should get home, it's late. But I absolutely hate sleeping alone. Come with me love?" She asked now all up in my personal bubble messing with the collar on my shirt.
"Look Y/N, I know what you're doing and you should stop. Im not oblivious to the game you're trying to play. I've got a girl now and I hear that you're no stranger to this backstage door. Just for once leave me alone" I said about to leave when she catches my arms and pulls me back and that's when I notice what she's wearing. Damn.
"You are correct about one thing babe. I'm no stranger to this place. I like the boys in the band. That doesn't mean I sleep with all of them or give all of them the time I'm giving you. And your eyes haven't been on my face all night, If you wanted to be with your girl that's where you'd be right now, I'm not stupid darling" She replied
"Why can't you look me in the eyes? Does your girl know what happened in the same dressing room she kissed you good luck in tonight? Does she know where you got that scar on your back or that tattoo...." She started
"Y/N stop please. This is going to far. " I said as her hands found themselves on my jaw making me look her in the eyes.
"Love, there's no turning back. What's to far for us? Be honest, We both know how this will end up. Five years and you always come back. We both know why you always come back. I am the thing that you need." she said her lips finding their place on mine, a feeling I've learned makes my veins feel on fire and my breathing get unsteady.

"You know the address love. Don't keep me waiting too long. You know my bed always feels empty without you" she chimed as I watched her walk away. Fuck.

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