Don't Tell me you love me. Nick. part two

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Nick' s POV

Would you be willing to give up what you love for who you love? It seems like I can't give up either I've left Y/N alone gave her space and time. If she never wanted to talk to me I'd understand. I can't imagine the pain I put her through. My mind won't let me rest about it. I can't get the look on her face when I told her out of my head. She had tears in her eyes and she looked like she her whole life flashed by in a second. She looked broken. Because she is and it's all because of me. She might forever be scared to love because of me. I didn't believe the words as they came out my mouth I couldn't imagine being on the other side of that conversation. I want to feel the pain she does. I want to make it go away for her. I wanted her to trust me again. But that's the thing about decisions. Once you make them there permanent. Hard to undo. I'm off to set and y/n's probably crying her eyes out and it's the decision I made why am I so stupid?

A/n: I'm doing a song series so comment songs. And it's like 5:41 am and I have the first day of school in like three hours and I don't know why I'm awake but I decided to update because you guys really liked this one so thanks for Reading

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