18|| Mikey ❤️

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A/N: ITS MY BIRTHDAY 🎈 I just wanted to say that. This is based off the song by one direction though I took it into my own context so ✌️. ily guys more than summer ~ Kendra

"You're the most annoying person ever!" You yelled at your nextdoor neighbor.

You hated that boy with a passion. He made your blood boil. You guys have hated each other since he moved here in seventh grade and now it's your senior year and you still despise each other and argue everyday. It was terrible because your families were super close and you were forced to be around each other all the time.

"I can't wait until I move out this summer just so I don't have to put up with you." he spat

"Like wise" you spat back

"You know maybe if you weren't so sassy and negative, you would actually have some friends." he scoffed stepping closer to you.

"And maybe if you used your personality or the few brains you do have instead of your looks all of your friends wouldn't be sluts." you said rolling your eyes.

"Oh so you think I have looks?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"You're so full of yourself Fusco." You said pushing him before attempting to walk away back to your lawn but he grabbed you wrist and pulled you into him.

"Let go of me you prick." you said pulling at your wrist but not having any success at getting it free.

"Look me in the eye and tell me you don't like me and I will."

"What's is this a romance novel? I don't like you." you said pulling at your wrist again.

"You lied." he smirked "I could see it in your eyes."

"Look Fusco I have no clue what your talking about but-" you said trying to start your sentence but got cut off by the feeling of his lips on yours.


"And that's the day I fell in love with your goofy father." You tell your five year old daughter.

"And three years later we got married and five years after that we had a extremely beautiful baby girl that looks just like her mother." Mikey added in and you smiled and kissed him.

"Eww you guys are gonna catch cooties" Your daughter yelled jumping down from the couch, where you three were cuddling and running away.

You guys laughed as you watched her runaway.

"I can't believe I've been madly in love with a dork like you since we were 18." You say and he nods

"Were a long way from that playground in your backyard." he jokes and you smile "I wanna love you as much as I did back then everyday of my life." he added and you kissed him

"Like wise" you spat mocking yourself on that day many years ago making the two of laugh until there were tears in your eyes.

When you were 18 you couldn't imagine yourself even being friends with Michael Elio Fusco and now you're insanely in love with him and happy than ever about it.

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